file decompression error during kafka installation with chef

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-06-23 14:49:48


I'm trying to install kafka using the supermarket recipe as my starting point. But when I run kitchen converge it gives me the following error. It should be something inherent in the archive. What do you think?platform kitchen ubuntu 14.04 tar version 1.27.1

execute 'kafka-install' do
    cwd node['kafka']['install_dir']
    command <<-EOH
    wget && \
    tar -zxf kafka_2.12-2.5.0.tgz && \
    useradd -M #{node['kafka']['user']} && \
    chown #{node['kafka']['user']}:#{node['kafka']['group']} -R #{node['kafka']['install_dir']} && \
    chown +x /kafka/bin/*.sh

I get the following error

Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[kafka-install]'

       Expected process to exit with [0], but received '2'
       ---- Begin output of     wget &&     tar -zxf kafka_2.12-2.5.0.tgz &&     useradd -M kafka &&     chown kafka:kafka -R /kafka &&     chown +x /kafka/bin/*.sh

   STDERR: --2020-06-09 18:21:40--

 tar: Skipping to next header
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Substituting `.' for empty member name
       tar: .: Unknown file type ' ', extracted as normal file
       tar: .: Cannot open: Is a directory
       tar: Skipping to next header

       gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
       tar: Child returned status 1
       tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
       ---- End output of     wget &&     tar -zxf kafka_2.12-2.5.0.tgz &&     useradd -M kafka &&     chown kafka:kafka -R /kafka &&     chown +x /kafka/bin/*.sh
       Ran     wget &&     tar -zxf kafka_2.12-2.5.0.tgz &&     useradd -M kafka &&     chown kafka:kafka -R /kafka &&     chown +x /kafka/bin/*.sh
        returned 2

I tried the tar command in ubuntu 18.04 and it works, tar version 1.29

