Junit Mockito for global java.util.Map

为君一笑 提交于 2020-06-17 09:40:29


I am trying to Test a method but it has a global variable which is null, Please guide me so I can assign value to global variable i.e. a Map

My Junit:

public class ErrorTest {

    private DataSource db;

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private RateServiceImpl rateService = new RateServiceImpl();

    private RaterDao raterDao;

    private MessageSource msg ;

    Map<String, StringAttribute> errorMap = new HashMap<String, StringAttribute>();

    public void setup() throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    public void findAllErrors() throws Exception {
        String error;

        List<Error> erList = new ArrayList<>();
        Error er27 = new ErrorImpl("27",
                "No detail found",
                "Please enter detail.");

        Error er22 = new ErrorImpl("1",
                "Maximum number  exceeded",
                "Please contact  Technical Support.");

        for (int index = 0; index < erList.size(); index++) {
            StringAttribute st = new StringAttributeImpl();
            errorMap.put(erList.get(index).getCode(), st);

        List<Error> errorList = raterDao.findAllErrors();
        assertThat(errorList, is(notNullValue()));

        StringAttribute map27 = errorMap.get("27");

        StringAttribute map22 = errorMap.get("22");

        assertTrue("ParseShipment failed", map27.getName().equals("No detail found"));

        assertTrue("ParseShipment failed", map22.getName().equals("Please contact  Technical Support."));



My Main Class:

public class RateServiceImpl implements RateService {

    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    private RaterDao raterDao;

    private Map<String, StringAttribute> errorMap = new HashMap<String, StringAttribute>();

    private MessageSource msg;

    public void init() throws Exception {
        **errorMap** = findAllClientErrors();

public Map<String, StringAttribute> findAllClientErrors() throws Exception {

        List<Error> errorList = raterDao.findAllClientErrors();

        for (int index = 0; index < errorList.size(); index++) {
            StringAttribute st = new StringAttributeImpl();
            errorMap.put(errorList.get(index).getCode(), st);

        return errorMap;

    public StringAttribute findClientError(String code) throws Exception {

        StringAttribute error = new StringAttributeImpl();

        if (code.equals(Constants.ERROR_CODE_SETTING_UNAVAILABLE)) {
            error.setName(msg.getMessage("SETTING.MESSAGE.ERROR", null,null));
            error.setValue(msg.getMessage("SETTING.MESSAGE.RESOLUTION", null,null));
            return error;

        StringAttribute map = errorMap.get(code);

        if (map == null || map.getName().isEmpty()) {
            error.setName(msg.getMessage("DEFAULT.MESSAGE", new Object[] { code }, null));
        } else {

        return error;


I tried multiple solution but doesn't work, some time map becomes empty or null. Any solution works which pass my test case. I want to test findClientError(String code) and the issue is with errorMap


So, you can use ReflectionUtils.setField method. I made a small example, it is not exactly like your code, but overall you will get the idea.

So here's my class under test. Doing almost exactly like your example. I have hello method just to test and check if it is working or not.

class RateService {
    private static Map<String, Object> errorMap = new HashMap<>();

    public void init () {
        this.errorMap = findAllErrors();

    private Map<String, Object> findAllErrors() {
        Map<String, Object> errorMap = new HashMap<>();
        errorMap.put("a", new Object());
        errorMap.put("b", new Object());
        errorMap.put("c", new Object());
        return errorMap;

    // a method for demo purposes
    public String hello() {
        if (errorMap.size() > 0) {
            return String.join(",", errorMap.keySet());
        } else {
            return "Empty";

Here's my test class. The third argument of the setField method is the object that is going to be set in that field. So, you can create a mock, or real object there. I assigned a real object with dummy values. Then tested against that.

class MainTest {

    private RateService rateService;

    void setUp() {
        this.rateService = new RateService();

    private Map<String, Object> exampleErrorObjects() {
        Map<String, Object> errorMap = new HashMap<>();
        errorMap.put("x", new Object());
        errorMap.put("y", new Object());
        errorMap.put("z", new Object());
        return errorMap;

    void testHello() {
        // given:
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(RateService.class, "errorMap", exampleErrorObjects());
        // when:
        final String result = this.rateService.hello();
        // then:
        assertEquals("x,y,z", result);

I am setting the static field in a test method because you may want your class to be in different states (based on the errorMap field) in each test.

