Can I use alt and title properties within SVG elements?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-05-29 04:33:11


To make my inline SVG image more searchable by google, can you add alt/title properties/attributes within svg elements such as "path" "circle" "line" etc?

I already know that you can use a title tag within the "svg" tag, like this..

<title>this is a title tag.</title>

Below is an example of what I am talking about.

<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1">
    <style type="text/css">


<path class="st0" title=“this is what I am talking about” d="M567,1136.2l37,10.9c13.3,3.9,27.2,3.1,39.9-2.4l0.6-0.3"/>

<line id="hi2" class="st5" alt=“This is what I am Talking About” x1="72" y1="-169.7" x2="108" y2="-169.7"/>


As far as I am aware, alt text cannot be used on SVGs. You are right in using <title> tags, but you can also add in <desc> to add more information.

Take a look at this answer here: for a more detailed look into this issue.


title as an attribute has no meaning in SVG, its equivalent as you point out in the question is the <title> element.

alt as an attribute also has no meaning, the SVG equivalent is the <desc> element.

