
Get message of tags using JGit

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-19 02:23:47
问题 I need for each commit, to get the name and message of the associated tag. I managed to get the tag name associated with my commit . But I can't get the message. I tried like this: String nameTag = ""; List<Ref> call = new Git(git.getRepository()).tagList().call(); // get all tags from repository for (Ref ref: call) { if ((ref.getObjectId().getName()).equals(commit.getName())) { Map<ObjectId, String> names = git.nameRev().add(ref.getObjectId()).addPrefix("refs/tags/").call(); nameTag = names

How can I make tag list in Swift?

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-02-17 19:46:51
问题 I want to create a list of tags, what I'll take from an array, but how can I stylize it as: inside of bubbles and auto place in the next row if the line is full. Any tips or ideas? 回答1: Please read this library link giving below it has awesome and custom tag design all the things you required for your design. https://github.com/ElaWorkshop/TagListView Here is how to use it. add its cocoapods [pod "TagListView"]. Create a view on which you wanna to show your selected tags and constraint it.

How can I make tag list in Swift?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-17 19:46:08
问题 I want to create a list of tags, what I'll take from an array, but how can I stylize it as: inside of bubbles and auto place in the next row if the line is full. Any tips or ideas? 回答1: Please read this library link giving below it has awesome and custom tag design all the things you required for your design. https://github.com/ElaWorkshop/TagListView Here is how to use it. add its cocoapods [pod "TagListView"]. Create a view on which you wanna to show your selected tags and constraint it.

Html tag beginning with question mark?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-16 20:35:16
问题 I'm learning google apps script, and in this tutorial, I saw some weird looking syntax: <? /* JS code */ ?> and <?= /* JS code */ ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <base target="_top"> <title>Message Display Test</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/script/css/add-ons1.css"> </head> <body style="padding:3em;"> <h1>Messages</h1> <ul> <? for(var m=0;m<messages.length;m++){ ?> <li><?= messages[m].getSubject() ?></li> <p><?= messages[m].getPlainBody() ?></p> <? } ?> <

using django template lanuage to realize greater and less

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-11 15:15:53
问题 papis i have a dict here dict = {1: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 2: [2,4,5,6,7,8,9,0], 3: [5,2,4,6,12,3,7,6]} i want show it on my page so i using template as follows: {%for item in dict.items%} <tr> <td>{{item.0}}</td> {%for v in item.1%} here ,i dont know how to handle if last column and v >5 <td color = 'red'>{{v}}</td> else <td>{{v}}</td> {%endfor%} </tr> {%endfor%} as you see,i want the last column turn red text if its value is greater than 5 how can i realize this ,i google and found nothing

Conditionally add a tag to merge-commit using Azure DevOps and git

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-11 12:53:26
问题 I would like to basically achive the very same thing you could achive while using the built in "tag-functionality" for build in Azure DevOps, with one exception.. I need to add a tag conditionally.. The basic idea is to evanluate if the SourceBranch for my PR starts with refs/heads/hotfix, and that the target branch is refs/heads/master, then I would like to tag the final merged commit with the tag "hotfix". I started with something like this: name: PR-$(Rev:r) trigger: none pool: vmImage:

HTML illegal tags does not error out

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:51:46
问题 In html how is it that illegal tags work? Please see the example below - <html> <body> <sdbfksbdfksbadfkb> This is the content!!! <gft34534534> </body> This is the content is displayed even though its inside illegal tags. 回答1: Browsers are designed to be forwards compatible with new versions of HTML. Unrecognised elements get added to the DOM (defaulting to having minimal styling and displaying as inline elements). That way, using new markup from new versions of HTML won't hide content in old

Removes text between two tags python

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-02-11 09:42:10
问题 I have dataframe. The df[0] contains Eukariota|Organisme eukariotik (hewan, tumbuhan, fungi, dan protista) menyimpan kebanyakan DNA-nya dalam inti sel dan sebagian kecil sisanya dalam organel seperti mitokondria ataupun kloroplas. < ref > {{cite book|last = Russell|first = Peter|title = iGenetics|publisher = Benjamin Cummings|location = New York|year = 2001|isbn = 0-8053-4553-1 }} < /ref > I want to remove: < ref > {{cite book|last = Russell|first = Peter|title = iGenetics|publisher =

Removes text between two tags python

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-02-11 09:41:28
问题 I have dataframe. The df[0] contains Eukariota|Organisme eukariotik (hewan, tumbuhan, fungi, dan protista) menyimpan kebanyakan DNA-nya dalam inti sel dan sebagian kecil sisanya dalam organel seperti mitokondria ataupun kloroplas. < ref > {{cite book|last = Russell|first = Peter|title = iGenetics|publisher = Benjamin Cummings|location = New York|year = 2001|isbn = 0-8053-4553-1 }} < /ref > I want to remove: < ref > {{cite book|last = Russell|first = Peter|title = iGenetics|publisher =

Simulate NFC tag on an Android phone

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-08 04:52:10
问题 I am working with NFC in Android. I have done things with NFC tags and Android Beam, but I am wondering if is possible to use a Android Phone like a NFC tag. One problem about it is that when I put near the two phones, Android Beams starts. Also, I have not found information about how I can simulate an NFC tag. Is it possible? PS. Sorry for mi english. 回答1: This was already discussed (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6138077/can-an-android-nfc-phone-act-as-an-nfc-tag) and the conclusion is