Chromecast – Connect to other device session from Chrome

北城以北 提交于 2020-05-28 13:42:06



When casting from Google Chrome and using the session listener it's possible to join an already created session, this works well when the session is created from chrome, and if the autoJoinPolicy was set to ORIGIN_SCOPED it even works from a different tab.

The problem

If another device created a session the sessionListener handler doesn't fire, so I'm not able join the created session.

Between devices (android, ios) is possible to detect sessions, that the same behavior I would like to achieve with chrome, is this possible?


You can connect to other sessions as well, it shouldn't be necessarily your own session. For example, you can check out the CastVideos-android and CastVideos-chrome sample apps and start a cast session with Android and then connect to that with the chrome app.

