R Configure Data With Data.Table

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-05-16 05:54:25



I have a data.frame called data. It has column names Student, Grade and Pass. I wish to do this:

NEWPass: Take Pass and for every Student fill in NA values with the previous value. If the first value is 'NA' than put a zero. Then this should be a running maximum.

GradeNEWPass: Take the lowest value of Grade that a Student got a one in NEWPass. If a Student did not get a one in NEWPass, this equals to the maximum grade.

GradeBeforeNEWPass: Take the value of Grade BEFORE a Student got a one in NEWPass. If a Student did not get a one in NEWPass, this equals to the maximum grade.

__ Attempts:

setDT(data)[, NEWPassTry := cummax(Pass), by = Student]
data$GradeNEWPass = data$NEWPassTry * data$Grade
data[, GradeNEWPass := min(GradeNEWPass), by = Student]


We can use data.table methods. Grouped by 'Student', create an index ('i1') where the 'Pass' is 1 and not an NA, then get the first position of 1 with which and head ('i2'), while calculating the max of 'Grade' ('mx'), then create the three columns based on the indexes ('v1' - get the cumulative maximum of the binary, 'v2' - if there are any 1s, then subset the 'Grade' with the index 'i2' or else return 'mx', similarly 'v3'- the index is subtracted 1 to get the 'Grade' value

setDT(data)[, c('NEWPass1', 'GradeNEWPass1', 'GradeBeforeNEWPass1') :={
              i1 <- Pass == 1 & !is.na(Pass)
              i2 <- head(which(i1), 1)
              mx <- max(Grade, na.rm = TRUE)
              v1 <- cummax(+(i1))
              v2 <- if(any(i1)) Grade[i2] else mx
              v3 <- if(any(i1)) Grade[max(1, i2-1)] else mx

            .(v1, v2, v3)}, Student]

#    Student Grade Pass NEWPass GradeNEWPass GradeBeforeNEWPass NEWPass1 GradeNEWPass1 GradeBeforeNEWPass1
# 1:       1     5   NA       0            7                  6        0             7                   6
# 2:       1     6    0       0            7                  6        0             7                   6
# 3:       1     7    1       1            7                  6        1             7                   6
# 4:       2     3    0       0            4                  3        0             4                   3
# 5:       2     4    1       1            4                  3        1             4                   3
# 6:       2     5    1       1            4                  3        1             4                   3
# 7:       3     4    0       0            5                  4        0             5                   4
# 8:       3     5    1       1            5                  4        1             5                   4
# 9:       3     6    0       1            5                  4        1             5                   4
#10:       4     8    0       0           10                 10        0            10                  10
#11:       4     9   NA       0           10                 10        0            10                  10
#12:       4    10   NA       0           10                 10        0            10                  10
#13:       5     2    0       0            4                  4        0             4                   4
#14:       5     3    0       0            4                  4        0             4                   4
#15:       5     4    0       0            4                  4        0             4                   4


Not pretty, admittedly, but your logic includes words like "if any ... for a student", so it's a group-wise conditional, not a row-wise conditional.

library(magrittr) # just for %>% for breakout, not required
mydata %>%
  .[, NEWPass2 :=
        cummax(fifelse(seq_len(.N) == 1 & is.na(Pass), 0,
                       zoo::na.locf(Pass, na.rm = FALSE))), by = .(Student) ] %>%
  .[, GradeNEWPass2 :=
        if (any(NEWPass2 > 0)) min(Grade[ NEWPass2 > 0 ]) else max(Grade),
    by = .(Student) ] %>%
  .[, GradeBeforeNEWPass2 :=
        if (NEWPass2[1] == 0 && any(NEWPass2 > 0)) Grade[ which(NEWPass2 > 0)[1] - 1 ] else max(Grade),
    by = .(Student) ]
#     Student Grade Pass NEWPass GradeNEWPass GradeBeforeNEWPass NEWPass2 GradeNEWPass2 GradeBeforeNEWPass2
#  1:       1     5   NA       0            7                  6        0             7                   6
#  2:       1     6    0       0            7                  6        0             7                   6
#  3:       1     7    1       1            7                  6        1             7                   6
#  4:       2     3    0       0            4                  3        0             4                   3
#  5:       2     4    1       1            4                  3        1             4                   3
#  6:       2     5    1       1            4                  3        1             4                   3
#  7:       3     4    0       0            5                  4        0             5                   4
#  8:       3     5    1       1            5                  4        1             5                   4
#  9:       3     6    0       1            5                  4        1             5                   4
# 10:       4     8    0       0           10                 10        0            10                  10
# 11:       4     9   NA       0           10                 10        0            10                  10
# 12:       4    10   NA       0           10                 10        0            10                  10
# 13:       5     2    0       0            4                  4        0             4                   4
# 14:       5     3    0       0            4                  4        0             4                   4
# 15:       5     4    0       0            4                  4        0             4                   4

I'm using magrittr::%>% solely to break it out into stages of computation, it is not required.

