Given a .torrent file how do I generate a magnet link in python? [closed]

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-27 18:35:32

You can do this with the bencode module, extracted from BitTorrent.

To show you an example, I downloaded a torrent ISO of Ubuntu from here:

Then, you can parse it in Python like this:

>>> import bencode
>>> torrent = open('ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso.torrent', 'r').read()
>>> metadata = bencode.bdecode(torrent)

A magnet hash is calculated from only the "info" section of the torrent metadata and then encoded in base32, like this:

>>> hashcontents = bencode.bencode(metadata['info'])
>>> import hashlib
>>> digest = hashlib.sha1(hashcontents).digest()
>>> import base64
>>> b32hash = base64.b32encode(digest)
>>> b32hash

You can verify that this is correct by looking here and you will see the magnet link is:


If you want to fill in some extra parameters to the magnet URI:

>>> params = {'xt': 'urn:btih:%s' % b32hash,
...           'dn': metadata['info']['name'],
...           'tr': metadata['announce'],
...           'xl': metadata['info']['length']}
>>> import urllib
>>> paramstr = urllib.urlencode(params)
>>> magneturi = 'magnet:?%s' % paramstr
>>> magneturi