Obtain Rotation Axis from Rotation Matrix and translation vector in OpenCV

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-05-13 02:05:00


I have a chessboard in two images with some angle of rotation. Lets find the rotation angle of second image with reference of first image.

For that I found the Rotation Matrix (3x3) and translation matrix (3x1) of those objects.

How can I find the Rotation Angle and Rotation Axis of object using those matrices?


For every type of conversion between rotation representations you have this website euclidean space.

You will find theory and code samples of:

  • Rotation matrix to quaternion: link

  • Quaternion to axis angle: link

  • Rotations in general and all representations: link

And in relation to your question you have Axis Angle. If you have the rotation matrix R (3x3), you can obtain the angle and axis this way (see Matrix to Axis Angle):

  • angle = acos(( R00 + R11 + R22 - 1)/2);

  • Axis x,y,x:

    x = (R21 - R12)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);

    y = (R02 - R20)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);

    z = (R10 - R01)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);


Already working wih openCV I would rcommend using the Rodrigues method: cv::Rodrigues(src, dst, jacobian), that computes the rotation vector if you have a rotation matrix for an argument and vice versa.

