Count Remaining Days per Fiscal Month

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-04-30 06:29:22


Based on this Post I am building a fiscal calendar:

The following Dax generates a DAX Calendar:

Calendar = 
VAR BaseCalendar =
    CALENDAR ( DATE ( 2016; 1; 1 ); DATE ( 2025; 12; 31 ) )
        VAR BaseDate = [Date]
        VAR Year =
            YEAR ( BaseDate )
        VAR MonthNumber =
            MONTH ( BaseDate )
        VAR WeekNumber =
            WEEKNUM ( BaseDate )
        VAR FWeek =
            WEEKNUM ( BaseDate; 21 )
            ROW (
                "Day"; BaseDate;
                "Year"; Year;
                "Month Number"; MonthNumber;
                "Month"; FORMAT ( BaseDate; "mmmm" );
                "Year Month"; FORMAT ( BaseDate; "yyyy-mm" );
                "Day of Week"; FORMAT ( BaseDate; "dddd" );
                "Day of Week Short"; FORMAT ( BaseDate; "ddd" );
                "Week"; WeekNumber;
                "Year-Week"; Year & "-" & WeekNumber;
                "Fiscal Week"; FWeek;
                "Fiscal Month Short"; SWITCH (
                    TRUE ();
                    FWeek IN { 1; 2; 3; 4 }; "Jan";
                    FWeek IN { 5; 6; 7; 8 }; "Feb";
                    FWeek IN { 9; 10; 11; 12; 13 }; "Mar";
                    FWeek IN { 14; 15; 16; 17 }; "Apr";
                    FWeek IN { 18; 19; 20; 21 }; "May";
                    FWeek IN { 22; 23; 24; 25; 26 }; "Jun";
                    FWeek IN { 27; 28; 29; 30 }; "Jul";
                    FWeek IN { 31; 32; 33; 34 }; "Aug";
                    FWeek IN { 35; 36; 37; 38; 39 }; "Sep";
                    FWeek IN { 40; 41; 42; 43 }; "Oct";
                    FWeek IN { 44; 45; 46; 47 }; "Nov";
                    FWeek IN { 48; 49; 50; 51; 52; 53 }; "Dec"

Now I need a column that shows me remaining days for the respective fiscal month for every date. I would suggest I need a first column, that accumulates the working days per month. Then I need a second column that subtract this value from the total sum for the corresponding month.

How would you add build that into the calendar in the same approach provided above?


Depending on what you define as a working day. I'm presuming it is Mon-Fri You need a new column added to your above DAX to return a 1 or 0

IsWeekDay = SWITCH(TRUE(), WEEKDAY(Calendar[Date], 2) <= 5, 1, 0)

So it will return 1 for Mon-Fri, 0 for anything else. Next add a column for your month start date, I'm using the Calendar Month in this example:

MonthStart = STARTOFMONTH(Calendar[Date])

For a date of 04/04/2020, it will return a date of 01/04/2020

The next new column should sum up the working days using EARILER

Working Days = 
CALCULATE ( SUM('Calendar'[IsWeekDay]),
    FILTER (
        ALL ( 'Calendar' ),
        'Calendar'[Date] >= EARLIER ( 'Calendar'[Date] )
            &&  EARLIER('Calendar'[MonthStart]) = STARTOFMONTH('Calendar'[Date])

You'll have to adjust it for your Fiscal Month Start Date

