Custom UnmarshalYAML interface for an interface and its implementations

不问归期 提交于 2020-04-17 22:03:22


I implemented an interface Fruit and two implementations of it: Apple and Banana.

Into objects of the two implementations I want to load data from a yaml file:

capacity: 4
- name: "apple1"
  number: 1
- name: "apple2"
  number: 1
- name: "banana1"
  number: 2

I implemented the UnmarshalYaml interface to load data into my objects:

package main

import (

type FruitBasket struct {
    Capacity int `yaml:"capacity"`
    Fruits []Fruit

func NewFruitBasket() *FruitBasket {
    fb := new(FruitBasket)

    return fb

type Fruit interface {
    GetFruitName() string
    GetNumber() int

type Apple struct {
    Name string `yaml:"name"`
    Number int `yaml:"number"`

type Banana struct {
    Name string `yaml:"name"`
    Number int `yaml:"number"`

func (apple *Apple) GetFruitName() string {
    return apple.Name

func (apple *Apple) GetNumber() int {
    return apple.Number

func (banana *Banana) GetFruitName() string {
    return banana.Name

func (banana *Banana) GetNumber() int {
    return banana.Number

type tmpFruitBasket struct {
    Capacity int `yaml:"capacity"`
    Fruits []map[string]yaml.Node

func (fruitBasket *FruitBasket) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error {
    var tmpFruitBasket tmpFruitBasket

    if err := value.Decode(&tmpFruitBasket); err != nil {
        return err

    fruitBasket.Capacity = tmpFruitBasket.Capacity

    fruits := make([]Fruit, 0, len(tmpFruitBasket.Fruits))

    for i := 0; i < len(tmpFruitBasket.Fruits); i++ {
        for tag, node := range tmpFruitBasket.Fruits[i] {
            switch tag {
            case "Apple":
                apple := &Apple{}
                if err := node.Decode(apple); err != nil {
                    return err

                fruits = append(fruits, apple)
            case "Banana":
                banana := &Banana{}
                if err := node.Decode(banana); err != nil {
                    return err

                fruits = append(fruits, banana)
                return errors.New("Failed to interpret the fruit of type: \"" + tag + "\"")

    fruitBasket.Fruits = fruits

    return nil

func main() {
    data := []byte(`
capacity: 4
- name: "apple1"
  number: 1
- name: "apple2"
  number: 1
- name: "banana1"
  number: 2

    fruitBasket := NewFruitBasket()

    err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &fruitBasket)

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)


    for i := 0; i < len(fruitBasket.Fruits); i++ {
        switch fruit := fruitBasket.Fruits[i].(type) {
        case *Apple:

However, this is not working. It seems that the data for the Apple and Banana tags are not loaded. Probably, because of the missing yaml flag for the Fruits slice in my tmpFruitBasket struct. But, as Fruit is an interface, I cannot define a yaml flag. In the future, I want to implement other structs representing concrete fruits (e.g., Strawberry) implementing the interface Fruit.

Any idea on how to solve this?


This is the intermediate type you need:

type tmpFruitBasket struct {
  Capacity int
  Apple    []yaml.Node `yaml:"Apple"`
  Banana   []yaml.Node `yaml:"Banana"`

Then, the loading function will look like:

// helper to load a list of nodes as a concrete type
func appendFruits(fruits []Fruit, kind reflect.Type, input []yaml.Node) ([]Fruit, error) {
  for i := range input {
    val := reflect.New(kind).Interface()
    if err := input[i].Decode(val); err != nil {
      return nil, err
    fruits = append(fruits, val.(Fruit))
  return fruits, nil

func (fruitBasket *FruitBasket) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error {
    var tmp tmpFruitBasket

    if err := value.Decode(&tmp); err != nil {
        return err

    fruitBasket.Capacity = tmp.Capacity

    var fruits []Fruit
    var err error
    // sadly, there is no nicer way to get the reflect.Type of Apple / Banana
    fruits, err = appendFruits(
      fruits, reflect.TypeOf((*Apple)(nil)).Elem(), tmp.Apple)
    if err != nil {
      return err
    fruits, err = appendFruits(
      fruits, reflect.TypeOf((*Banana)(nil)).Elem(), tmp.Banana)
    if err != nil {
      return err

    fruitBasket.Fruits = fruits
    return nil

Edit: If you stick with sorting each type into a dedicated slice, you could of course directly type those as []Apple and []Banana and just merge them. This answer is a continuation of digging into the issue of dynamically loading input to different types, started with your previous questions. Doing this only makes sense if you at some point don't know the static type anymore (e.g. if you provide an API to add additional fruit types at runtime).

