Powershell Extract and Rename as ZIP Filename

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-03-04 04:49:30


Iv got an application that produces a ZIP file with a HTML document inside of it. However the extracted HTML file is not named the same as the zip file (for some strange reason that I have no control over).

I need to extract the zip file and rename the extracted file the same as the zip file name however I am unsure where this would slot in on my script some help would be appreciated please, script below:

#Files Location
$ZipFilesPath = "C:\Test\"
#Unzip To Same Location
$UnzipPath = "C:\Test\"

$Shell = New-Object -com Shell.Application
$Location = $Shell.NameSpace($UnzipPath)
$ZipFiles = Get-Childitem $ZipFilesPath -Recurse -Include *.ZIP
$FileCounter = 1

#Clear Initilisation Vars from Console

foreach ($ZipFile in $ZipFiles) {
    #Get The Base Filename without the Filepath
    $ZipFileActualName = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($ZipFile.FullName)

    write-host "File: "  $ZipFileActualName

    $ZipFolder = $Shell.NameSpace($ZipFile.fullname)
    $Location.Copyhere($ZipFolder.items(), 1040)

    #Move Along to Next File

Final Solution (With Added Piece From Nick Cox below)

#Location Of ZIP Files Defined Here
$ZipFilesPath = "C:\Test\";
#Unzip To Temp Folder Defined Here
$TempPath = "C:\Test\Temp"

#Create Our Temp File If It Doesnt Exist (Will Be Deleted Again)
If(!(test-path $TempPath))
      New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $TempPath

$Shell = New-Object -com Shell.Application
$Location = $Shell.NameSpace($TempPath)
$ZipFiles = Get-Childitem $ZipFilesPath -Recurse -Include *.ZIP
$FileCounter = 1

#Clear Initilisation Vars from Console

foreach ($ZipFile in $ZipFiles) {
    #Get The Base Filename without the Filepath
    $ZipFileActualName = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($ZipFile.FullName)
    write-host "File: "  $ZipFileActualName
    $ZipFolder = $Shell.NameSpace($ZipFile.fullname)
    $Location.Copyhere($ZipFolder.items(), 1040)
    #Move Our Temp Files
    $HtmlFiles = Get-ChildItem $TempPath *.html
    $HtmlFiles |% {Move-Item  $_.Fullname "$UnzipPath/$ZipFileActualName.html"}
    #Move Along to Next File

#Remove Our .ZIP Folders
Get-ChildItem -Path $ZipFilesPath -Include *.zip* -File -Recurse | foreach { $_.Delete()}

#Remove Our Temp Folder
Remove-Item –path $TempPath –recurse


Why not extract to a temp location and copy from there to the destination?

#Files Location
$ZipFilesPath = "C:\Test\"
#Unzip To Same Location
$UnzipPath = "C:\Test\"
$TempPath = "C:\Test\Temp"

$Shell = New-Object -com Shell.Application
$Location = $Shell.NameSpace($TempPath)
$ZipFiles = Get-Childitem $ZipFilesPath -Recurse -Include *.ZIP
$FileCounter = 1

#Clear Initialisation Vars from Console

foreach ($ZipFile in $ZipFiles) {
    #Get The Base Filename without the Filepath
    $ZipFileActualName = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($ZipFile.FullName)

    write-host "File: "  $ZipFileActualName

    $ZipFolder = $Shell.NameSpace($ZipFile.fullname)
    $Location.Copyhere($ZipFolder.items(), 1040)

    $HtmlFiles = Get-ChildItem $TempPath *.html
    $HtmlFiles |% {Move-Item  $_.Fullname "$UnzipPath/$ZipFileActualName.html"}
    #Move Along to Next File

By the way, if you're using PowerShell >= 5.0 you can unzip natively with Expand-Archive.


    foreach ($ZipFile in $ZipFiles) {
    #Get The Base Filename without the Filepath
    $ZipFileActualName = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($ZipFile.FullName)

    write-host "File: "  $ZipFileActualName

    $ZipFolder = $Shell.NameSpace($ZipFile.fullname)
    $Location.Copyhere($ZipFolder.items(), 1041)

    $HtmlFiles = Get-ChildItem $TempPath *.html
    $HtmlFiles |% {Move-Item  $_.Fullname "$UnzipPath/$ZipFileActualName.html"}
    #Move Along to Next File

