Google API/get directory contacts

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-02-21 14:37:40


I need get list of contacts/phones from google buisness directory listing.

I have tried Google Contacts api, it work ok for all contacts under "My Contacts", but not allow show "Directory" contacts.

What i have use/how to access thoose contacts(company ones)?


To add users to the Global Address List (GAL), use the Domain Shared Contacts API. It's similar to the regular Contacts API but is only accessible to admins and has a special URL.


Note that to get all users on an account is now possible by using the Uses:list endpoint.

By default, this information is only available to administrators, but a teammate just found that you can set the viewType parameter to domain_public which allows anyone within the org to get a list of everyone on the domain.

We spent hours looking into this before we saw the option, so I thought I'd leave a note here for anyone else looking for the same functionality.


The Directory contacts are the users of the Google Apps account. You can access them using the Directory API :

