How to set upstream branch in git-svn?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-02-21 09:53:09


While working on a usual git repository a local branch usually tracks a corresponding remote upstream branch. This way I can easily see, whether I am ahead or behind of my upstream branch and therefore if I need to push or pull to bring them in sync. Also my prompt immediately shows this state, which is very convenient.

Now I am working on a SVN repository using git-svn. I used --prefix=svn for the clone, therefore git branch -r lists svn/trunk as a remote branch, but (although git svn rebase works without problems) it is not configured as an upstream branch for my master branch.

I tried to set the tracking information manually but it failed:

$ git branch -r
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=svn/trunk
fatal: Cannot setup tracking information; starting point 'svn/trunk' is not a branch.

Is there some way to track an svn upstream branch?

Is there some other easy way to know whether I am ahead or behind to that branch? (Looking at gitk --all is currently the only way I am aware of.)

Is there even some way to make my (bash __git_ps1) prompt show that information?

$ git --version
git version 1.9.0.msysgit.0


This seems to be a bug introduced in git 1.9, since --set-upstream-to worked before exactly as you mention.
And strace displays correct locating and reading of the upstream branch ref, then however it's ignored for some reason.

My workaround for this issue is manual editing of .git/config:

$ cat >> .git/config << EOF

[branch "master"]
        remote = .
        merge = refs/svn/trunk
        rebase = true

— which should be equivalent to:

git branch --set-upstream-to=svn/trunk master

&& git config branch.master.rebase true (which you'll want with svn anyway)

— but is not, because of a bug! "Of course my refs/svn/trunk is a branch!" you say, and edit the config directly (with just a little bit of gentle force).

Your svn trunk could be named differently in git depending on how you cloned the repo (-s, -T, --prefix options to git svn clone). Just do a git branch -avv and find the correct one. For example, one possible name is refs/remotes/git-svn; or refs/svn/trunk as above; or even something else.

Update Nov 2015

I still reproduce this on git version 2.1.4. Anyone to bother file a bug report?


git-svn will store the configuration data in .git/config, for example in one of my repo the config is like:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
[svn-remote "svn"]
    url =
    fetch = trunk:refs/remotes/trunk
    branches = branches/*:refs/remotes/*
    tags = tags/*:refs/remotes/tags/*

In the [svn-remote "svn"] section you can see all the git-svn configurations. In the branches section you see all the branches on the remote svn repo.

When I need to follow a svn branch in my local git repo I usually do these steps:

  1. I check that the config is correctly configured with all the branches and the tags.
  2. I do a git svn fetch, in that way git will fetch all the data in the repo for all the branches
  3. I check that all the branches / tags are present as output of git branch -a, for example:

  4. I create a local git branch to track a remote one with:

    git branch alpha-1 remotes/tags/alpha-1 --track

In this way the newly created alpha-1 branch will follow the remotes/tags/alpha-1, and you can do the rebase and dcommit commands.


This was still a problem for me using git 1.9.5.

And I did not get any of the solutions mentioned here to work, but this worked:

git rebase origin/remote-branch-name

After that git svn dcommit -n shows that it will indeed commit to that svn branch.

Update: I had the same problem again and this time the above didn't work. I just got the message: Current branch master is up to date. However using:

git rebase -i origin/remote-branch-name

forced the rebase anyway and after that the upstream was set correctly.


Since nobody answered this:

Is there some other easy way to know whether I am ahead or behind to that branch?

Yes, it is. You can just use the general notion GIT uses for comparing refs also in this case. It’s ref_from..ref_to


git log master..svn/trunk – will give you all commits from svn/trunk that are missing in your master. I.e. incomming changes.

git log svn/trunk..master – will give you all commits from master that are missing in svn/trunk. I.e. outgoing changes.

Further explanation of the general syntax: here on SO and in the official GIT documentation

