Locking in multi-threaded pywinauto send keys

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-02-07 02:37:25


I'm new to pywinauto and I'm creating several notepad windows and typing a text in all of them. However, this is not dependent on each other, so this can be run concurrently using threads.

However, when I try to do the same, the text get messed up because there are several threads trying to access the type_keys() method at the same time. Is there any way I can achieve the same concurrently?


There is another method .set_text("...") that doesn't require window to be in focus. It's available for edit box only.

.type_keys() or .click_input() is not a good choice for concurrent automation or for a locked machine / minimized RDP. More details can be found in Remote Execution Guide.


you can also try this importing keybord from pywinauto and the send the line you would like to send this is a small exemple :

from pywinauto import application
from pywinauto import keyboard 
app = application.Application()

with this code you will open Notepade and write hello in Notepad , I just created to .py file and both have same code and I did call them on main file and worked perfect I created A.py and put code on it and I created B.py and put same code and in C.py I did import A , import B it and run it it did open 2 Notpad and wrote the text look for this example : A.py

from pywinauto import application
from pywinauto import keyboard 
app = application.Application()


from pywinauto import application
from pywinauto import keyboard 
app = application.Application()
keyboard.SendKeys('hello friends',with_spaces=True)


import A,B

and run C.py make sur all the files are saved in same folder

