document.location does not change the webpage in IE9?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-28 06:11:15


I am trying to redirect to a different page in IE9 (9.0.3).

When I try to get/set document.location, or document.location.href, or window.location/window.location.href, I'm unable to do so. It fails without giving any errors.

I've tried to check whether the document and windows objects are set, and they are, so I have no idea why the location object is "missing".

I tried getting the document.URL and that works fine, but it's read-only.

Anyone know what the problem is or how to achieve this in a cross-browser way?


I was also experiencing the same problem but found that adding

window.event.returnValue = false;

above line in the javascript before the redirection resolved the problem.


See this:

Apparently it's a caching bug, you can solve it by appending a timestamp to the destination URL (that is, using a "unique" URL every time).


Perhaps your IE9 has some security restrictions in place that prevent JavaScript from directing URL's. window.location.href = "" should work normally on IE9.


Cache may be the reason, try:

location.href='something.php?tmp=' + Date.parse(new Date())

Hope it helps


You should use an absolute URL:

var url = '/section/page/';
var host = window.location.hostname;
window.location = 'http://' + host + url;

Where url is the relative path to your page.

