iPad App Portrait Only?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-01-15 11:44:06


My app is entirely designed for IOS6. I use an xib for the iPhone and another one for the iPad. My AppDelegate sets up a TabBarController, though there is no class for the TabBarController itself. The TabBarController has two tab items, 1 a NavigationController, and 1 a View Controller, each of which has its own class. I would like the iPad to be able to run in just Portrait mode, upside down, and normal. On the summary tab of Target in Xcode, I have supported interface orientations set to Portrait and Portrait Upside Down.

My understanding with iOS 6 is that you only need to put

- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations

in the highest parent controller of a class, and set which Masks you would like it and all the child containers to work with. So, in the Root View Controller of the Navigation Controller I put:

- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait|UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortraitUpsideDown;

And in each of the child classes, I put:

- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate{

    if( UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad )

        return YES;

        return NO;


I then put the same two methods in the 2nd Tab which was just a View Controller Class.

I installed the app on my iPad, and it worked fine in portrait mode, but did not rotate when I turned it upside down. I exited the app and turned the iPad upside down, but when I started the app again, it still stayed in the same spot. So, I killed the app completely, and started it from the beginning upside down. The splash screen was upside down, but when the screen disappeared, the app was still only showing in portrait mode, making the display upside down.

What am I missing?


click on appName select Target and just select the orientations which you want to support. thanks


The code above is great for pre iOS 6. For iOS 6 you have to use the mask orientation. If you want all of the views in iPad to rotate or just some you have the choice of using the above answer. If you want to hard code it the check my answer in the following link for a detailed code for autorotation of all masks or just rotate one view and let the others don't rotate. Any how here is the link iOS 6 supportedInterfaceOrientations issue

The above answer is providing you with the right solution as well but if you want to learn how to code it check my answer in the link above. Happy coding.


Is the Rotation Lock enabled or not ? (If you are new to iOS, double tap the home button, and slide to the right: it's the little metal-styled button in shape of an arrow).


If you want to run your application to run on portrait mode only than, 1. Select Your Target. 2. In General -> Development Info -> Device Orientation Uncheck all other orientation.Portrait mode only should be checked.Than run your project.

