eXist-db passing parameters to templates through controller.xql (URL mapping)

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-01-15 10:00:07


I am working with eXist-db 4.2.1 and Xquery 3.1 using the eXist's default installation of controller.xql and view.xq.

I have a document.html to which I pass any incoming url structured with /doc/some-requested-doc-id at the end to produce a dynamically-created page based on some-requested-doc-id.

So, the incoming url can be either http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0001 or http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/deheresi/doc/MS609-0001.xml

and they are treated the same...

In the file controller.xql I have a condition for matching this request, which identifies /doc/ and cleans up the expected some-requested-doc-id using a function which is passed to parameter name="currentdoc":

 else if (starts-with($exist:path, "/doc/")) then
    (: strip out any extensions and rename global variable as .xml:)
        <dispatch xmlns="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist">
        <forward url="{$exist:controller}/document.html">
            <add-parameter name="currentdoc" 
                <forward url="{$exist:controller}/modules/view.xql"/>

The requested .html file is as follows, which itself calls other HTML templates and/or dynamically created content in XQuery:

 <div data-template="templates:surround" data-template-with="templates/site_wrapper.html" data-template-at="content">

<div data-template="document:title-bar"/>
  <div class="col-sm-12">
    <div class="col-md-2 sidebar">
        <div data-template="document:doc-sidebar-sub1"/>
        <div data-template="document:doc-sidebar-sub2"/>
        <div data-template="document:doc-sidebar-sub3"/>
        <div data-template="document:doc-sidebar-sub4"/>
    <div class="col-md-10 document-view">
        <div data-template="document:doc-xsl-docview"/>

The 5 data-template="document:... calls depend on the same parameter provided by <add-parameter>, for example <div data-template="document:title-bar"/> calls:

declare function document:title-bar( 
     $node as node(), 
     $model as map(*), 
     $currentdoc as xs:string)

let $persid := person:person-name(data(doc(concat($globalvar:URIdata,$currentdoc))/tei:TEI/tei:text//tei:persName[@role="dep"]/@nymRef)) 
let $doctypeen := data(doc(concat($globalvar:URIdata,$currentdoc))/tei:TEI/tei:text//tei:div[@type="doc_type"]/@subtype)

let $x :=
<div class="col-md-12 document-title">
    <h2><span class="en">{$doctypeen}: </span><span class="fr">{document:doc-type-french($doctypeen)} : </span>{$persid}</h2>

return $x

Even if I hard-code the parameter in the module controller.xql:

 <add-parameter name="currentdoc" value="MS609-00001.xml"/>

I still get the same error, which doesn't happen if I hard code the parameter in the template call:

 The actual cardinality for parameter 3 does not match the 
 cardinality declared in the function's signature: 
 document:title-bar($node as node(), $model as map, 
      $currentdoc as xs:string) item()*. 
 Expected cardinality: exactly one, got 0.

The 'expected cardinality' suggests that the parameter is not coming into the function?


If I change the order of parameters in the function above to

 declare function document:title-bar( 
     $currentdoc as xs:string, 
     $node as node(), 
     $model as map(*))

I get a different error:

  Supplied argument 2 of function: 
  document:title-bar($currentdoc as xs:string, 
  $node as node(), $model as map) item()* does not 
  match required type. Required type node(), got map. `

Many thanks in advance.


The <add-parameter> directive needs to be moved to the 2nd <forward> directive—so that modules/view.xql has access to the parameter. The corrected version of this fragment of your controller is:

else if (starts-with($exist:path, "/doc/")) then
    (: strip out any extensions and rename global variable as .xml:)
    <dispatch xmlns="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist">
        <forward url="{$exist:controller}/document.html"/>
            <forward url="{$exist:controller}/modules/view.xql">
                <add-parameter name="currentdoc" value="{concat(functx:substring-before-match($exist:resource,'[.]'),'.xml')}"/>

The templating documentation also shows this - see the 2nd code sample under the "Set up" section here: https://exist-db.org/exist/apps/doc/templating#D3.35.

(There was a mistake in the answer you referenced - which I have now corrected. Apologies, and thanks for your thorough testing and well-articulated questions!)

