can use package interactively, but Rscript gives errors

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-15 06:03:44


I'm using the "topicmodels" package in R. Everything works fine interactively, but if I run the exact same commands using Rscript, I get errors.

The first error (which I solved) is that R didn't know what the is() function was. I solved this by importing the "methods" package. Apparently, Rscript doesn't import this automatically, even though interactive R does, and this caused a problem with is(). Problem solved.

However, I am now stuck at a different error, which I can't figure out. I am using the LDA() function in the "topicmodels" package, using data (in DTM format) and k=10. I call it like this:

x =, function(x) sample(1:100,100,replace=T)))
u = llply(colnames(x), function(a) rbind(0:(length(x[,a])-1),x[,a]))
v = rownames(x)
y = ldaformat2dtm(u, v)
a = LDA(x, 10)

And it gives me the following error:

> Error in as(control, "LDA_VEMcontrol") :
>   no method or default for coercing "NULL" to "LDA_VEMcontrol"
> Calls: LDA -> method -> as
> Execution halted

The main thing is this works interactively, but not using Rscript. I know the data is correctly formatted and if I print the data, it looks good. Is there something else I'm missing? Are there other modules that Rscript doesn't load, but R interactive does load? Thanks!


I just ran the example via Rscript and via source() in an interactive session, both worked. The only output from Rscript was:

% Rscript /tmp/sc.r
Loading required package: methods

So it seems to have figured out the methods thing on its own.

I have R 3.0.1, maybe you have an older version of R or one of the packages? They may have updated their prereqs list to include methods.

