Check if it's the last record in sqldatareader

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-12 14:01:21


Is there a way to check if I'm on the last record ? thanks


Use this pattern to identify and process the last row in result:

if (reader.Read())
    var loop = true;
    while (loop)
        //1. Here retrive values you need e.g. var myvar = reader.GetBoolean(0);
        loop = reader.Read();
        if (!loop)
            //You are on the last record. Use values read in 1.
            //Do some exceptions
        else {
            //You are not on the last record.
            //Process values read in 1., e.g. myvar


Other than "there isn't another one afterwards", no. This may mean you need to buffer the row, try to read, then look at the buffered data if it turned out to be the last.

In many cases, when the data is moderate and you are building an object model of some kind, you can just looks at the constructed data, i.e. make a List<T> of all the rows when using the reader, then after that, look at the last row in the list.


Another possibility would be to put the information into the data set.

You are reading the data using a query. Let's call it q. Use this query instead:

select row_number() over (order by (select NULL)) as seqnum,
       count(*) over (partition by null) as numrecs
from (<q>) q
order by seqnum

Now the last record has seqnum = numrecs, which you can test for in your application.

By the way, this assumes that you are retrieving the data in an unordered way. If you want ordering, put the criteria in the "order by" clause for row_number().


To iterate through the SqlDataReader:

SqlDataReader reader = ...;
    // the reader will contain the current row

There's nothing in the reader telling you it's the last row. If you still need to get on the last row, perhaps storing the row's data in a seperate variable you can get that data after exiting the loop.

Other alternatives would be:

  • to get the data into a DataSet/DataTable
  • to store the data in a list/array
  • retrieve the data in reverse order (rewrite your query), so that the first row is the one you want.


  1. As you know, a SQLDataReader doesn't have a "row count" property. You just read until EOF.

  2. However, a DataSet does. Perhaps you can substitute a DataAdapter and some kind of data set or table:



You can't do that without repeating yourself i.e. fetching the record twice. Here is a shorter method

System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
int recordCount = dt.Rows.Count;
if(recordCount > 0)
   if(dt.Rows[recordCount-1]["username"] == "wrong value")
     throw new Exception("wrong value");

I wrote this off-hand so it's not tested but that's the approach

