Need iText7 HTML to PDF Encryption Code in C#

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-07 03:48:58


I Have Installed iText7 trail Version Packages to convert html file into pdf. I have succefully converted html to pdf using proper code like they(iText Software) mentioned.But still i am not clear to set the Password for created pdf. After converting html file to pdf,the pdf file should be protected with please anyone help me what is the code in c# to encrypt the pdf file while converting from html.


You didn't share any code (which is actually a requirement when you post a question on Stack Overflow), but I assume that you are creating a PdfWriter somewhere in the process. If not, check out the different variations to create a PDF from HTML. Internally, the PDF writing process is done by a PdfWriter instance, so if you don't have a PdfWriter instance in your code, you'll have to use a method that reaches somewhat deeper into the lower-level functionality.

When you create the PdfWriter instance, you can define WriterProperties. This is explained in Chapter 7 of the Building Blocks tutorial. You have to create a PdfWriter instance that accepts a destination (the path to the PDF that you are creating), but also a WriterProperties instance:

byte[] user = "abc".getBytes();
byte[] owner = "xyz".getBytes();
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest,
    new WriterProperties().setStandardEncryption(user, owner,
        EncryptionConstants.ALLOW_PRINTING | EncryptionConstants.ALLOW_ASSEMBLY,

In this case, we use AES 256 encryption (the only encryption algorithm that will be allowed in ISO-32000-2) using a user and an owner password. We allow printing and assembly of the document.

