No eddystone service in Radius beacons?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-07 02:52:31


I am building an android app and I am trying to read the available services of my Radius Networks Radbeacon. I have clicked the beacon so that it comes to connectible mode. The available services are the following:

BluetoothGatt: onGetService() - Device=0C:F3:EE:04:2B:57 UUID=00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
BluetoothGatt: onGetService() - Device=0C:F3:EE:04:2B:57 UUID=f0cec428-2ebb-47ab-a753-0ce09e9fe64b

..and no Eddystone service (a3c87500-8ed3-4bdf-8a39-a01bebede295) , even though it is transmitting properly an Eddystone UID frame. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


You can re-configure your beacon to transmit an Eddystone frame type (URL, UID, etc) using the Radbeacon app for android. By default I believe they are configured to act as iBeacons.


Unfortunately, the RadBeacon Dot does not have support the Eddystone configuration service.

Understand that just because a beacon supports Eddystone frames does not necessarily mean that it supports the Eddystone configuration service. The Eddystone-UID, URL and TLM frame standards were released many months before the Eddystone config service was released.

The only official way to configure the RadBeacon Dot is with the RadBeacon app for iOS, Android and OSX. These apps do use a proprietary GATT Service to configure the beacon, but there is no public API, and even if you reverse engineer it, it is subject to change with any future firmware release. Sorry.

