
How do I catch an error in Flutter (`beacon_broadcast` library)? Conventional methods don't work for this library

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-02-11 12:41:21
问题 I am using a library called beacon_broadcast when I start the beacon broadcast, it outputs an error in the console, but I'm not able to catch it ( try , .catchError , and using .then doesn't work). Console Output: D/BeaconParser( 7318): Parsing beacon layout: blah_blah_blah D/BluetoothAdapter( 7318): isLeEnabled(): ON D/BluetoothAdapter( 7318): isLeEnabled(): ON E/BeaconTransmitter( 7318): Advertisement start failed, code: 2 Error code 2 means advertising slot not available. I do not think

How do I catch an error in Flutter (`beacon_broadcast` library)? Conventional methods don't work for this library

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-02-11 12:39:11
问题 I am using a library called beacon_broadcast when I start the beacon broadcast, it outputs an error in the console, but I'm not able to catch it ( try , .catchError , and using .then doesn't work). Console Output: D/BeaconParser( 7318): Parsing beacon layout: blah_blah_blah D/BluetoothAdapter( 7318): isLeEnabled(): ON D/BluetoothAdapter( 7318): isLeEnabled(): ON E/BeaconTransmitter( 7318): Advertisement start failed, code: 2 Error code 2 means advertising slot not available. I do not think

Event onbeforeunload isn't fired in Chrome Incognito

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-08 15:12:37
问题 I've been trying to send a beacon on beforeunload and it seems to work on pretty much all modern browsers, except Chrome in incognito mode. This is the code that works in all modern browsers, except Chrome in incognito mode: window.onbeforeunload = function() { navigator.sendBeacon("url"); } Not even this code doesn't seem to work: window.onbeforeunload = function() { console.log('before unload') } Am I doing anything wrong or is it just Chrome's fault? 回答1: What's your setup (SO, Chrome

What does error code 2 in beacon_broadcast flutter package mean?

佐手、 提交于 2021-01-29 18:42:09
问题 I am making a beacon broadcast app using Flutter. The library I am using is "beacon_broadcast" at When I try to start it, the console says: D/BeaconParser( 7318): Parsing beacon layout: m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25 D/BluetoothAdapter( 7318): isLeEnabled(): ON D/BluetoothAdapter( 7318): isLeEnabled(): ON E/BeaconTransmitter( 7318): Advertisement start failed, code: 2 What does error code 2 mean? I don't need any other help, I just want the meaning, so I think I

AltBeacon is stopping the beacon scan. But keep scanning

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-01-29 10:21:41
问题 It is designed to scan every 4 seconds. However, beacons may not be detected from the start to the stop of scanning. After that, the beacon is detected after stopping the scan. The problem occurs at the following dates and times in the log. 08:54:20.807 D/CycledLeScanner(21211): Scan started 08:54:21.906 D/CycledLeScanner(21211): Done with scan cycle 08:54:22.336 D/Cycled LeScanner(21211): stopping bluetooth le scan 08:54:23.638 D/CycledLeScannerForLollipop(21211): got record And after this

Android 11 users can’t grant background location permission?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-01-20 16:44:29
问题 As of Android 11, apps targeting SDK 30+ will not show a user an option to grant background location permission to an app, instead it requires users to go to a settings page. How do we bring a user to the proper settings page? When a feature in your app requests background location on a device that runs Android 11 or higher, the system dialog doesn't include a button to enable background location access. In order to enable background location access, users must set the Allow all the time

Android 11 users can’t grant background location permission?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-01-20 16:43:06
问题 As of Android 11, apps targeting SDK 30+ will not show a user an option to grant background location permission to an app, instead it requires users to go to a settings page. How do we bring a user to the proper settings page? When a feature in your app requests background location on a device that runs Android 11 or higher, the system dialog doesn't include a button to enable background location access. In order to enable background location access, users must set the Allow all the time


亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-01-09 10:31:24
文|曾响铃 来源|科技向令说(xiangling0815) “工业互联网是足以撬动地球的一个支点。” 如今,这个支点正在不断夯实,一些强而有力的声音正在向外界传递。 10月24日,中国评测与通信产业报社联合发布了2019第二届工业互联网平台活力榜,海尔COSMOPlat等多家工业互联网平台上榜。 11月6日,在2019年产业互联与数字经济大会暨第二届工业互联网平台创新发展大会上,2019年十大跨行业跨领域工业互联网平台正式公布,海尔COSMOPlat、华为FusionPlant、阿里supET等10家工业互联网平台得到官方认可,成为行业发展的标杆案例。 图注:工信部正式发布十大“双跨”平台 海尔COSMOPlat居榜首 类似的权威榜单在媒体与公众视野出现愈发频繁,“蝴蝶效应”的翅膀开始煽动,行业的发展在官方推动下不断深化与规范,从百家争鸣向落地结果跨越。 官方搭台,巨头唱戏,工业互联网百家争鸣 “它是全新的工业革命。”——GE杰夫·伊梅尔特 当工业互联网的概念出现,便注定成为经济发展的焦点,成为新时代的产业驱动力。 事实上,数据显示,2018年我国工业互联网的市场规模便达到了5313亿元,预计在2023年整体规模突破万亿级别,产业发展趋于乐观。 不难想象,随着官方发话,工业互联网也迎来了政策红利期。过去一年(2018-2019)工信部对此发文便有6份,指向性明确

Cobalt Strike|配置转发器

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-12-24 06:04:27
Hello,大家好哇,我们上一节讲了Cobalt Strike Beacon的一些 基础知识 ,但是好像喜欢看的小伙伴不是很多呀,是不是太枯燥呢?但是我觉得我们在渗透过程中也要做到 知其然、知其所以然 。所以,如果之前章节没看的小伙伴们可以 点击下方图片阅读 。 在真实的攻击环境中我们可能并 不希望 暴露自己的团队服务器 ,所以我们可以在Team Server前 增加几个重定向器以隐藏自己的真实地址 ,拓扑图如下: 其实这个重定向器的作用就是端口转发,但它有两个重要的功能: 1. 保护你team server的真实IP 2. 提供了冗余保障 ,如果其中一个或两个重定向器停止工作,系统也能正常工作 首先我们来创建三个子域名,分别是ec1、ec2、ec3 测试一下是否能正常解析: 正常启动好team server,接下来我们需要配置一下重定向器, 重定向器就是端口转发的功能 ,你可以使用各种各样的端口转发工具,这里我使用socat来实现: socat TCP4-LISTEN :80 , fork TCP4 : [team server] :80 将这三台重定向器的80端口转发到ads.nvwa.me的80端口上去 , 接下来我们创建一个新的监听器 创建一个新的listener,并继续将其他两台重定向也加入到listener中 现在我们来检查一下listener是否正常工作


浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-12-19 08:41:58
0x00 网络测绘角度下的C&C威胁分析 ​ 在日渐激烈的网络对抗中,伴随***手段的更新换代,远控为了满足需求随之发展,种类繁多,常见的远控有:Cobalt Strike、Metasploit Framework、Empire、PoshC2、Pupy等。 ​ 在常见的远控中,Cobalt Strike是熟知的***测试利器,功能十分强大,可扩展性强,从前期载荷生成、诱饵捆绑、钓鱼***到载荷植入目标成功后的持续控制、后***阶段都可以很好支持,几乎覆盖***链的各个阶段。并且支持多种上线方式,以及多种丰富的配置可以达到非常好的隐蔽效果。CS teamserver团队服务器又可以使众多CS客户端连上它,以进行团队协作。Metasploit Framework能够提供众多漏洞利用,这两款远控功能强大且容易上手,因此也是广大redteamer的必备武器。 ​ C&C作为全球范围红队的基础设施,长期部署在世界各个角落,如何通过探测C&C服务器成为了一个问题。传统的流量规则只能对小范围的C2设施进行识别,有一定的局限性。对于全网的资产识别,通过网络测绘来进行扫描识别C2会不会更全面呢? 0x01 网络空间测绘 ​ 互联网在高速发展的今天,传统的网络安全大多面向局部安全未曾考虑整体全网环境下的网络安全,这样也造成了近年来***者频繁面向全网展开***