Is it possible to change cast of an object dynamically?

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-07 01:22:38


I want have a "pointer" to an object but the object can be one of two classes.

QuickFix.Message newOrderSingle;

            if (ecn.versionFIX.Equals(VersionFIX.FSS_FIX44))
                newOrderSingle = new QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle(
                    new ClOrdID(masterForm.OrderBook.GetNewClOrdIDBroker(ecn.brokerCode)),
                    new Symbol(symbol),
                    new Side(side),
                    new TransactTime(DateTime.Now),
                    ordType = new OrdType(OrdType.LIMIT));
                newOrderSingle = new QuickFix.FIX42.NewOrderSingle(
                    new ClOrdID(masterForm.OrderBook.GetNewClOrdIDBroker(ecn.brokerCode)),
                    new HandlInst('1'),
                    new Symbol(symbol),
                    new Side(side),
                    new TransactTime(DateTime.Now),
                    ordType = new OrdType(OrdType.LIMIT));

Then later I want to do this, where "set" is a method of QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle:

newOrderSingle.Set(new Price(limitPrice));

Instead I have to do:

((QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle) newOrderSingle).Set(new Price(limitPrice));

Which is hard to read.

Can I change "cast" of NewOrderSingle dynamically in some way?


You have some options:


You can use dynamic keyword to make "duck typing":

dynamic order= newOrderSingle;
order.Set(new Price(limitPrice));

Unfortunately, you loose intellisense and will get RuntimeBinderException when order has not such a method (is of type FIX42 f.e.).


You can use my library:

              .When((QuickFix.FIX42 msg) => msg.Set(/* ... */))

Unfortunately, you need to hardcode type.

To sum up If you need to use such approach, your classes are badly designed. Consider creating base / abstract class or some inteface:

interface IMessageSetable
    Set(Price p);

public class FIX44 : IMessageSetable
    // impl


if (newOrderSingle is IMessageSetable)


if you have access to the source code of QuickFix.Message, you can add it. perhaps you can add the set function to a common interface.

the really dirty way is using reflection. the code would look like this:

newOrderSingle.GetType().GetMethod("Set").Invoke(newOrderSingle, new Price(limitPrice)));

(I guess it will not compile directly, the function parameters needs to be adjusted)

you could also try to use the dynamic datatype


As long as you use the common base class QuickFix.Message you cannot use specific members without casting.

If you have a piece of code where you work with a specific subclass you can do:

if(newOrderSingle is QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle)
    QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle ord44 = (QuickFix.FIX44.NewOrderSingle)newOrderSingle;
    // from here on you can work with ord44:
    ord44.Set(new Price(limitPrice));

    // more code which uses ord44

