ExtJS 4 treepanel with checkbox issue

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-06 08:24:08


We are using treepanel with check box in our application.It seems like:

var treepanel = {
id : 'tree',
xtype : 'treepanel',
store : layerStore,
rootVisible : false,
listeners : {
checkchange : function(node,check){
if(node.get('id') == 'teacher'){
alert('you have selected teacher node');
}else if(node.get('id') == 'student'){ alert('you have selected student node'); }

LayerStore code:

var layerStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore',{
root : {
children : [
text : 'teacher layer',
id : 'teacher',
checked : false
text : 'Student layer',
id : 'student',
checked : false


Now,i am getting the alert message when we check on the particular checkbox.My problem is that if we uncheck the checkbox then it has to display the alert like you has unselected a particular layer.Please help me.


I quess You have to change your 'checkchange' handler to this:

checkchange : function(node,check){
  var s = (!check && 'un' || '' ) + 'selected';

  if(node.get('id') == 'teacher'){
    alert('you have '+s+' teacher node');
  }else if(node.get('id') == 'student'){ alert('you have '+s+' student node'); }

