how to map same value to two different fields in jaxb while marshalling and unmarshalling

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-06 04:10:16


I have a xml tag Hello for which there is a field like below in my java

class HelloWorld{ @XmlElement private String name; }

While unmarshalling this successfully assigns Hello value to name variable.Now I want to create a new xml from THIS java object(HelloWorld) for which I am doing the marshalling but in this case I want a xml tag as instead of in my xml. How can I acheive this in Jaxb?

Both Xml are not in my control so I cannot change the tag name


Incoming XMl - helloworld.xml


     class HelloWorld{

     private String name;

      // setter and getter for name

      JaxbContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(HelloWorld.class);
      Unmarshaller un = conext.createUnmarshaller un();
      HelloWorld hw = un.unmarshal(new File("helloworld.xml"));
      System.out.println(hw.getName()); // this will print hello as <name> tag is mapped with name variable.

Now I want to use this hw object of HelloWorld object to create a xml like below

     <name_1>hello</name_1>   // Note <name> is changed to <name_1>

I do not want to create another class like Helloworld and declare a variable name_1 in that new class .I want to reuse this HelloWorld class only because just a tag name has been changed.

But I use existing HelloWorld class and try to marshal the object hw like below

    JaxbContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(HelloWorld.class);
     Marshaller m = conext.createMarshaller();
     StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

This will print like below


but I require

<name_1>hello</name_1>   // Note <name> is changed to <name_1>

The reason for this is that the incoming xml before unmarshalling and the outgoing xml after marshalling is not under my control.

Hope this explains.


Option #1 - Works with all JAXB Implementations

You could use a XSLT transform to transform a JAXBSource into the XML you want:

    // Create Transformer
    TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    StreamSource xslt = new StreamSource(
    Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(xslt);

    // Source
    JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Library.class);
    JAXBSource source = new JAXBSource(jc, catalog);

    // Result
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);

    // Transform
    transformer.transform(source, result);

For More Information


Option #2 - Works with EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy)

Note: I'm the MOXy lead.

MOXy provides a mapping document extension that you can use to override the mappings at the field/property level. This means you could create one JAXBContext on just the annotations, and then a second JAXBContext based on the annotations with an XML overrride.

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