Collision on X axis means 0 movement in Y axis

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-06 02:54:05


I'm developing a platformer in Unity using the 2D engine. I have my player character which has a BoxCollider2D and a RigidBody, and a number of 'walls' which have BoxColliders.

Now, I copied the script for moving the player from another project and made some changes. The part which has to do with movement is as follows:

public void FixedUpdate()
        physVel =;

        // move left
            physVel.x = -runVel;

        // move right
            physVel.x = runVel;

        // jump
            if(jumps < maxJumps)
                jumps += 1;
                if(jumps == 1)
                    _rigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(physVel.x, jumpVel);

        //Apply gravity

        _rigidbody.AddForce(-Vector3.up * fallVel);

        // actually move the player
        _rigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(physVel.x, _rigidbody.velocity.y);

Now this works perfectly fine.

The problem arises if the player jumps into a wall. If I keep the direction button mashed 'towards' the wall after having jumped, he is suspended in mid-air. As in the collision appears to be reducing movement on both axis to zero. If I release the direction, he falls normally. Collisions on the other axis works fine. I can hit my head or walk without issue.

Am I missing something obvious?


EDIT: try adding a material with 0 friction to both player and walls and see what happens, if it stops it is a friction error.

