JCS notify on expire/remove

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-01-05 10:28:40


we use JCS very simply. Not distributed or anything, simply:

JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance("region-name");

I'm trying to register some kind of listener that can be used to receive a notification/event when an element is removed or expired from the cache...

I've been digging through the JCS javadoc for awhile now and I've tried: - adding an Implementation of IElementEventHandler to the default ElementAttributes of the cache ... it never gets called. - using the various implementations of ICacheObserver to register an ICacheListener but that never gets called either. I'm not necessarily sure this point is the correct way of doing it as I think this is intended for more advanced uses of JCS ...

Does anyone know how (or if it's possible) to register some kind of listener/obsverver/whatever that will accomplish this? My final goal is to be able to be notified of when something is removed from the cache basically ... I don't particularly care about how provided it isn't a massive kludge :P


From what I can tell after a short review of the JCS source, it looks like those interfaces are only tied to the remote cache stuff - which I've never used. Additionally, I examined LRUMemoryCache and a few others and it looks like the calls to remove don't link in to any event handlers. Long story short, I couldn't find anything in JCS that does what you are asking.

I won't say it is impossible, but I would say it looks unlikely.

You can check out the source here and look further.

Good luck.


Create an abstract class that registers the events your interested in capturing. This works for me to capture the two events.

  private static final Set<Integer> EVENTS = new HashSet<Integer>();

  public synchronized void handleElementEvent(IElementEvent event) {
   // Check for element expiration based on EVENTS.
   LOG.debug("Handling event of type : " + event.getElementEvent() + ".");
   if (EVENTS.contains(event.getElementEvent())) {
     ElementEvent elementEvent = (ElementEvent)event;
     CacheElement element = (CacheElement)elementEvent.getSource();

  // Abstract method to handle events
  protected abstract void handleEvent(CacheElement element);

Add this abstract event handler to the jcs factory definition as follows

     JCS jcs = JCSCacheFactory.getCacheInstance(regionName);
     IElementAttributes attributes = jcs.getDefaultElementAttributes();

