Run an R-script from command line and store results in subdirectory

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-04 13:58:05


I want to run an R-script from the command line (on a Linux machine) and store the results in a subdirectory of the working directory. It looks like that:

./myscript.r [param 1] [param 2] [param 3]

Given 3 binomial parameters there are 4 conditions in total. I want to store the results of each condition in a subdirectory of the working directory.

Is there an elegant way to do that or do I really need to copy my R-script to every subdirectory?


Purcell,try saving and running this script on your computer. Provide it a few different kinds and combinations of arguments.

args <- commandArgs(TRUE)

For instance, I ran ./test.R test=1 one=test.

Using this command in combination with paste0() statements should give you what you need to tailor your output locations based on the parameters provided.

