
Which assembly should I place the compiled views for entity framework code first when context is in a separate project from the domain classes

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-11 14:01:19
问题 In desperate need of help. I'm using entity framework code first and trying to follow Julie Lerman's suggestion about breaking out the context from the domain classes and I'm unable to get entity framework to recognize the compiled views. I've tried many things but the best so far is that I can get the constructor of the compiled views to be called but it still takes about 15 mins for the 1st query (about 329 entities and 600+ views created). This makes me think it is still having to create

MVC RazorGenerator - “Type (…) already defines a member called 'Execute' with the same parameter types”

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-11 11:49:01
问题 I've been working on a big MVC Application and now i need to improve application's startup performance (which is bad +1min for the first load). I installed RazorGenerator nugget and the extension too, but when i compile a lot of errors appear. May this be caused by not specifying the Generator Type? Because i didn't find their documentation very helpful about this. Or maybe because i added the following directive to one of my views ( _EditHelperPage.cshtml ) because it was rendering as