Is it possible to add a value to a submit button that gets passed in the params?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-02 03:46:08


I'm trying to add a "preview" button/page to my app.

Is there a way to add a different value to both my "post" and "preview" submit buttons that get passed in the params hash so that I can check which one was pressed in the controller and render the view accordingly?

Is this the best way to do this?


The keys of the params hash are just the name value of an element.

If you had two buttons named "submit", one with value="post" and value="preview", then you could do something like:

if params[:submit] == "preview"


You can add a button click event with javascript that will fill a hidden value and pass it along with the rest of your parameters. If using jQuery:

$("#post_button").click(function() {

$("#preview_button").click(function() {

You'd then access the action in your controller using params['form_action']

