Save, Edit, Delete, and Cancel events in AlloyUI Scheduler

佐手、 提交于 2020-01-01 17:14:46


How can I listen for the Save, Edit, Delete, and Cancel events from AlloyUI's Scheduler? I need to save the value in our database for future use, but I don't see any documentation for this.

The current code that I have is this:

YUI().use('aui-scheduler', function(Y) {
    var items = [
            content: 'Wake Early'
            content: 'Exercise'
    var schedulerViews = [
        new Y.SchedulerWeekView(),
        new Y.SchedulerDayView(),
        new Y.SchedulerMonthView(),
        new Y.SchedulerAgendaView()
   var eventRecorder = new Y.SchedulerEventRecorder();
    new Y.Scheduler({
        boundingBox: '#scheduler',
        items: items,
        views: schedulerViews,
        activeView: schedulerViews[2],
        eventRecorder: eventRecorder,
         firstDayOfWeek: 1,
        // activeView: weekView,
        // views: [dayView, weekView, monthView, agendaView]

    Y.Do.after(function() { 
       alert('Event:'+this.isNew()+' --- '+this.getContentNode().val());
    }, eventRecorder, 'showPopover');


I'm having no luck so far, can anyone help me out? I've tried this tutorial and this one as well but they haven't helped.


You should use the undocumented save, edit, delete, and cancel* events of SchedulerEventRecorder. For example:

var eventRecorder = new Y.SchedulerEventRecorder({
    on: {
        save: function(event) {
            alert('Save Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());
        edit: function(event) {
            alert('Edit Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());
        delete: function(event) {
            alert('Delete Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());
// Note: The cancel event seems to be buggy and occurs at the wrong times, so I commented it out.
//      },
//      cancel: function(event) {
//          alert('Cancel Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());

Here's a runnable example with the code you provided:

YUI().use('aui-scheduler', function(Y) {
  var items = [{
    content: 'Wake Early'
  }, {
    content: 'Exercise'
  }, ];
  var schedulerViews = [
    new Y.SchedulerWeekView(),
    new Y.SchedulerDayView(),
    new Y.SchedulerMonthView(),
    new Y.SchedulerAgendaView()
  var eventRecorder = new Y.SchedulerEventRecorder({
    on: {
      save: function(event) {
        alert('Save Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());
      edit: function(event) {
        alert('Edit Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());
      delete: function(event) {
        alert('Delete Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());
// Note: The cancel event seems to be buggy and occurs at the wrong times, so I commented it out.
//      },
//      cancel: function(event) {
//        alert('Cancel Event:' + this.isNew() + ' --- ' + this.getContentNode().val());
  new Y.Scheduler({
    boundingBox: '#scheduler',
    items: items,
    views: schedulerViews,
    activeView: schedulerViews[2],
    eventRecorder: eventRecorder,
    firstDayOfWeek: 1,
    // activeView: weekView,
    // views: [dayView, weekView, monthView, agendaView]

<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<div id="myScheduler"></div>

*The cancel event seems be a bit buggy and occurs at the wrong times, so I commented it out. It seems to occur whenever any other event occurs.

