working with samsung smart tv sdk 4.1 for Mac

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-01 14:25:08


i have stupid question)

im install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg and download and setup .ova file for virtual box.

so i thought finally all is DONE. but not.

when im check in directory cd ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/ icon 'Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor' for launch editor i have this ==The alias “Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor ” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found.==

so before i must insall ECLIPSE ? because when i get info of icon = i seen the path of original ==/Users/SDK/SDK_INSTALL/build_tree/Samsung Smart TV SDK 4/eclipse/

i have not ECLIPSE IDE and i need install eclipse now ? and after egain install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg ?

if its true . which kind of ECLIPSE type ? indigo? juno? which version ? (i use MAC v 10.7.5)


so! my update! for everyone who need smart tv sdk for MAC . 8 steps

  1. download eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2 for macosx (example eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz)
  2. download and install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg (go to link
  3. move all files 'eclipse' folder (from archive eclipse-javascript-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz) to directory where your smart tv sdk (example ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/)
  4. install virtual box and setup 2013_Smart_TV_Emulator_4_1 (2013_Smart_TV_Emulator.ovf file) - instruction here
  5. launch Samsung Smart TV SDK Editor (i have icon-launcher here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/)
  6. setup work environment (all Apps must be here ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/Apps)
  7. create project and if you need -> import file-application form other store (if someone already developed an app and you need to open that app)
  8. launch virtual box -> launch smart tv emulator -> open App and choose your project


The accepted answer didn't work for me when getting the IDE up and running on OSX 10.8.4, but this did:

  1. Install 2013_Samsung_TV_SDK_4_1_MacOS.pkg
  2. It will install files to your User Directory
  3. Download this version of Eclipse:
  4. Copy the from the above download into ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/ directory...


Tried the above steps but didn't get it to work. So I experimented a bit. Here's my two cents:

  • Make sure that the eclipse you download is the appropriate version for your Mac (that is 32bit or 64bit). If you get a strange error mentioning that it's not able to load SWT components, then it's likely you downloaded the wrong version.
  • I tried both copying all eclipse files from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse, and only to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. However it worked when I merged all files EXCEPT directory configuration and artifacts.xml from ~/Downloads/eclipse to ~/Samsung_TV_SDK_4_Mac/eclipse/. Make sure that you don't delete and write directories plugins/ and features/, as the Samsung SDK version contains the eclipse plugins.

Hope I helped!

