Using multiple form field widgets for the same field in Drupal

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-25 04:18:04


I would like to be able to use multiple form field widgets for the same field and to be able to switch it based on session data from the user. But I am not really sure how to accomplish this. This is for Drupal 6. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?


You might be able to accomplish this with one of the field access modules but to do it properly you'd probably need to create a custom widget. Your widgets can return existing widgets by calling their handles, so your widget would more or less be a wrapper that returns the correct widget call.

this tutorial gives a pretty good overview of widget creation in Drupal 6.


What I ended up doing was creating a second form field that uses the filefield upload widget and loaded it on the form alongside the Flash widget. Then I put JS on the page that detects if Flash is on the page and is of the correct version. If it is found then it hides the html/AJAX uploader. If it is not then it hides the Flash uploader.

