Eddystone Javascript find UID

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-25 03:51:55


I am trying to build an android app in js that can detect eddystone beacons emitting UID. I followed this : https://evothings.com/detecting-eddystone-beacons-in-javascript-made-easy/

But I can only detect beacon html.

I cannot find the line where you can look for UID. Does anyone has an idea ?


Are you sure your beacon is set to broadcast the Eddystone-UID packet?

The thing to keep in mind is, Eddystone-UID and Eddystone-URL are two completely separate types of packets, and your beacon might only be able to broadcast one at a time.

Check with your beacon's vendor how to set it to broadcast the Eddystone-UID packet.

The Evothings PhoneGap plugin you're using returns both Eddystone-URL and Eddystone-UID packets it found, through a single success callback. The example app from the tutorial you've linked to then takes the beacon, figures out if its URL or UID (or both), and only shows what's available.

