Dynamically changed files in PHP. Changes sometimes are not visible in include(), ftp_put()

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-25 03:24:08


I have scripts like these:

file_put_contents("filters.php", '<? $filter_arr = '.var_export($filter_arr, true).'; ?>');


$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n<xml>\n\t<items>\n".$xml_0."\n\t</items>\n</xml>";
file_put_contents($PROJECT_ROOT."/xml/$file_type.xml", $xml);
$upload_result = ftp_put($ftp_stream, $destination_file, $PROJECT_ROOT."/xml/$file_type.xml", FTP_BINARY);

Actually changes to those files are applied physically (written to files).

But sometimes not visible after include(), or not sent by ftp_put() to remote server.

It's seems something like PHP caching this files.

Adding sleep(1) before include() doesn't help.

A also have a test like this:

for ($i=1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
    echo "$i)";
    $filter_arr = array($i);
    file_put_contents("test.txt", '<? $filter_arr = '.var_export($filter_arr, true).'; ?>');
    echo $filter_arr[0]."<br>";

About 90% of times output is normal:

1) 1
2) 2
100) 100

About 10% of times output is wrong:

1) 1
2) 1
100) 1

Playing with flock() or clearstatcache() also have no affect.


It seems no filesystem or file locking problem, because in both times file is written, but one time with incorrect data, like $i is not ascending, what is weird. Only error that i got was that the file was locked for writing when i hold down F5, thats it.

Can you be more exact with versions and OS?


I have face the same problem.

EDIT The correct answer

You can use

opcache_invalidate('second.php');//Reset file cache

as stated here: PHP include doesn't read changes of source file

