Tab completion and automatic Content Assit in Eclipse Juno CDT

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-25 02:58:13


I have been using Eclipse CDT for a while now, and the fact of the matter is that, coding can be very slow in the IDE (I use it for the debugger). What I mean by this is, that the auto-pop up (content assist) functionality only works when certain characters are input [::,->,.]. In Indigo, you could configure the IDE such that it would pop no matter what you type, without pressing Ctrl + SPACE. So, is there a way to bring this back in Juno? A step by step guide would be appreciated.

Secondly, is there a way to get tab completion in Eclipse? What I mean by this is, for example, you have a template (snippet) called cout, and it essentially adds something to the output buffer:

std::cout << ${"Hello, World"} << std::endl;

Thirdly, if the two features above are unavailable in eclipse, and cannot be implemented even by using hacks, is there an IDE that works with MinGW GCC and has the above features (and free).


(I don't know how to post a comment - so I'm writing an "answer"...)

We have given up with Juno because of general performance problems. We turned back to Indigo after two frustrating months trying everything possible to improve speed in Juno.

Eclipse is great and I've been using it for many years now, and normally I welcome the upgrades, but Juno was the only one that has ever caused us such big problems.


install vrapper for eclipse, and add a .vrapperrc file like this:

set nohlsearch
set incsearch

inoremap #i<tab> #include<space>
inoremap #d<tab> #define<space>
inoremap #u<tab> #undef<space>
inoremap #p<tab> #pragma<space>
inoremap #ii<tab> #include<space><iostream<Esc>a><CR>
inoremap #is<tab> #include<space><string<Esc>a><CR>
inoremap #iv<tab> #include<space><vector<Esc>a><CR>
inoremap #im<tab> #include<space><map<Esc>a><CR>
inoremap #id<tab> #include<space><deque<Esc>a><CR>
inoremap #il<tab> #include<space><list<Esc>a><CR>
inoremap #ia<tab> #include<space><algorithm<Esc>a><CR>
inoremap #ib<tab> #include<space>"base/base.h"<CR>

inoremap )<tab> )<space>{}<Esc>yyp^i~<Esc>$a<CR>

inoremap main<tab> int<space>main(int<space>argc,<space>char**<space>argv)<space>{<CR>
inoremap init<tab> ccflag::init_ccflag(argc,<space>argv);<CR>cclog::init_cclog(*argv);<CR><CR>

inoremap a<tab> std::atomic
inoremap b<tab> std::bind
inoremap e<tab> std::exception
inoremap f<tab> std::function
inoremap s<tab> std::string
inoremap v<tab> std::vector
inoremap m<tab> std::map
inoremap d<tab> std::deque
inoremap vs<tab> std::vector<std::string<Esc>a>
inoremap up<tab> std::unique_ptr
inoremap sp<tab> std::shared_ptr

inoremap sc<tab> static_cast

inoremap E<tab> EXPECT
inoremap C<tab> CHECK

inoremap i<tab> int32
inoremap I<tab> int64
inoremap u<tab> uint32
inoremap U<tab> uint64
inoremap wc<tab> wchar_t

inoremap r<tab> return
inoremap o<tab> operator
inoremap n<tab> namespace<space>
inoremap t<tab> template
inoremap tn<tab> typename
inoremap td<tab> typedef

inoremap p<tab> public:<Esc>$a<CR>
inoremap pri<tab> private:<Esc>$a<CR>
inoremap pro<tab> protected:<Esc>$a<CR>

inoremap con<tab> continue;
inoremap def<tab> default
inoremap del<tab> delete
inoremap ext<tab> extern<space>
inoremap exp<tab> explicit<space>
inoremap mut<tab> mutable<space>
inoremap vir<tab> virtual<space>
inoremap vol<tab> volatile<space>

then you can tab to complete C++ key words. See more here.

