Pass Content To Function of Another Module in Python

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-24 15:19:00


I am using SAX Parser. I am trying to send the 'content' I retrieved using below code:

After checking the startElement and endElement, I have the below code:

def characters(self, content):  
   text =  format.formatter(content)

this format.formatter is expected to read this data that I sent as 'content' for any processing like removing junk characters etc and return it. I do that by using string.replace function:

    remArticles = {' ! ':'', ' $ ':''}

    for line in content:
        for i in remArticles:
            line= line.replace(i, remArticles[i])
            return line

However the output is not coming up as expected.

It will be great if some one can help on this.

source will some thing like:

"Oh! That's lots and 1000s of $$$$"

Expected: Oh That's lot of 1000s


You are iterating over each character not each line:

def characters(content):
    remArticles = {'!': '', '$': ''} # remove spaces from " ! "
    for i in remArticles:
         content = content.replace(i, remArticles[i])
    return content

You are also trying to match ! and $ with spaces around them which according to your expected output is incorrect.

In [6]: content =  "Oh! That's lots and 1000s of $$$$"

In [7]: characters(content)
Out[7]: "Oh That's lots and 1000s of "

Just using replace is the most efficient option:

In [20]: timeit characters(content)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 746 ns per loop

In [21]: timeit format_this(content)
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.57 µs per loop


How about this:

def format_this(content):
    bad_keys = {'!', '$'}
    return "".join([element for element in content if element not in bad_keys])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    content = "Oh! That's lots and 1000s of $$$$"
    formatted_content = format_this(content)
    print formatted_content

>>> Oh That's lots and 1000s of 


Your return line is excessively aligned, assuming your Q is showing your actual code, so you end after the first replacement. De-indent that return by 4 spaces, so it aligns with the for keyword, not with the body of the for loop.

Added: {' ! ':'', ' $ ':''} matches exclamation marks and dollar signs only if they have spaces before and after them. But then the OP says a sample input is "Oh! That's lots and 1000s of $$$$" -- no spaces before and after those punctuation marks, so nothing will be replaced.

