Spring @RequestMapping header with equals

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-24 14:06:30


I want to use Springs @RequestMapping with the header attribute to detect an Accept header with the value application/json;version=1.*. The plan is to have another method mapped similarly for version 2 which will have the value application/json;version=2.*.

Spring seems to be ignoring the version value. I'm guessing it's treating the equals sign as another header attribute.

Is there a way around this?

Side notes:

  1. I can't update the Spring version to support the consumes attribute
  2. I can't change the format the request header will come in


It seems that the spring requestmapping ignores media type parameters. You can work around this by manually routing the request to your preferred endpoint.

@RequestMapping(value = "/", headers = "Accept=application/json")
String request(@RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers){
    for(MediaType mediaType : headers.getAccept()){
                return v1();
            }else if(mediaType.getParameter("version").startsWith("2.")){
                return v2();
    return "error";

