flex mobile : textInput does not clear prompt on focus

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-24 07:35:12


a simple

<s:TextInput x="163" y="117"  prompt="hello"/>

Does not clear the prompt on focus, but clears the prompt when user first type in a letter.

This is the behaviour on flex mobile (behaviour is OK on swf )

Is that a bug and how to correct that ?



There May be an-other way to get rid of that, but my approach is that you may add a focusIn event and do some thing like :

<s:TextInput id="textInput" x="10" y="24" prompt="Enter SomeThing" focusIn="textinput1_focusInHandler(event)"/>
        protected function textinput1_focusInHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            textInput.prompt = "";

may that should work for you...


www.Flextras.com is on the right path. I had the same issues with TextInput on iPad where the field wouldn't display as a password when I needed it to.

All you need to do is manually apply the mobile TextInput skin.

<s:TextInput x="163" y="117" skinClass="spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin" prompt="hello"/>

You can see the answer provided to me in a separate question here.


Actually the solution to hide prompt on focus is pretty easy, just add a style declaration like this

    showPromptWhenFocused: false;

or in a class

    showPromptWhenFocused: false;

If you use the second approach, your TextInput should look something like

<s:TextInput id="myTextInput" prompt="Write something here.." styleName="noPromptWhenFocused" />

This works fine no matter if you're using StageText or the TextInputSkin.

