How to open up View Controller included in framework as static library for iOS?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-24 00:49:29


I have a View Controller which displays many nested UIViews. I want this project which displays many views to be embedded in another project as framework. So, how can I open View Controller of my framework from another project which has included this framework for third party use.


You can use a method on your framework to return your viewController something like this

- (UIViewController*)viewControllerForWidgetType:(WidgetType)widgetType;

and then in the app that uses your framework use something like this

UIViewController* testWidgetViewController = [[TestFrameworkController sharedInstance]viewControllerForWidgetType:TestWidgetType];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:testWidgetViewController animated:YES];

I hope this helps you

