Logging Handlers Empty - Why Logging TimeRoatingFileHandler doesn't work

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-23 12:45:18


So I do logging.config.fileConfig to setup my logging from a file config that has console and file handler. Then I do logging.getLogger(name) to get my logger and log. At certain times I want the filehandler's filename to change i.e. log rotate (I can't use time rotator because of some issues with Windows platform) so to do that I call logger.handlers - it shows an empty list, so I cant close them!! However when I step through the debugger, its clearly not empty (well of course without it I wouldn't be able to log right)

Not sure whats going on here, any gotchas that I'm missing?

Appreciate any help. Thanks.


It seems you need to correctly get the root logger:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handlers = logger.handlers[:]
print('module {}'.format(handlers))
print('module {}'.format(logger.hasHandlers()))

logger = logging.getLogger('root')
handlers = logger.handlers[:]
print('root {}'.format(handlers))
print('root {}'.format(logger.hasHandlers()))

logger = logging.getLogger()
handlers = logger.handlers[:]
print('blank {}'.format(handlers))
print('blank {}'.format(logger.hasHandlers()))


module []

module True

root []

root True

blank [<logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler object at 0x108d82898>, <logging.StreamHandler object at 0x108d826d8>]

blank True


Firstly the issue is that, if you use a config file to initialise logging with file and console handlers, then it does not populate logging.handlers list, so you can not iterate over it and close+flush the streams prior to opening new one with a new logging file name.

If you want to use TimeRotatingFileHandler or RotatingFileHandler, it sits under logging/handler.py and when it tries to do a roll over, it only closes its own stream, as it has no idea what streams the parent logging (mostly singleton) class may have open. And so when you do a roll over, there is a file lock (file filehandler) and boom it all fails.

So the solution (for me) is to initialise logging programatically and use addHandlers on logging, which also populates logging.handlers [], which I then use to iterate over my console/file handler and close them prior to manually rotating the file.

It to me looks like an obvious bug with the logging class, and if its working on unix - it really shouldn't.

Thanks everyone, especially @falsetru for your help.


You can use RotatingFileHandler (not TimedRotatingFileHandler).

Calling doRollover of the handler will rotate the log files.


Maybe there is no such name as 'TimeRoatingFileHandler' because you missed 'd' in word 'Timed'. So it must be: 'TimedRoatingFileHandler'

