MediaWiki Query and/or WikidataQuery to find Wikipedia article

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-22 11:34:07


This isn't so much a question abut AngularJS as it is about the Wikimedia and Wikidata query API's.

Although I am trying to display the content of a Wikipedia article in AngularJS after doing a certain query that isn't the problem. I already know how to display it... the problem is the search for an article or articles.

I'm trying to query Wikipedia by historical event date as well as by geo-location.

Let's pick a random event, any event. Let's say "1986 Mozambican Tupolev Tu-134 crash". Link:

From the article, I can see the exact date: 19 October 1986
as well as the geo-location of the event: -25.911389, 31.957222

I'm trying to build a search in AngularJS that can use either a date-range and/or geolocation coordinates to find an event.

I am aware that mediawiki has a geolocation API now, and I am able to find the above event by either keyword or coordinates. The result also turns up any other articles that exist within a certain radius around it using this:|31.957222&prop=extracts|info&exintro&titles=1986_Mozambican_Tupolev_Tu-134_crash&format=json&explaintext&redirects&inprop=url&indexpageids&format=json&callback=JSON_CALLBACK

However, there is no way to do a search with mediawiki by a point in time or the date of the event.

Wikidata on the other hand has two methods of searching data... it has a date range as well as geolocation.

However, when a query is run, I have no idea what is being returned.

For example, when I use this query string:[625,-25.911389,31.957222,5]%20AND%20BETWEEN[585,1985,1987]

it returns this:

{"status":{"error":"OK","items":1,"querytime":"544ms","parsed_query":"(AROUND[625,-25.9114,31.9572,5] AND BETWEEN[585,+00000001985-00-00T00:00:00Z,+00000001987-00-00T00:00:00Z])"},"items":[950273]}

Using wikidata's query tool:[625,-25.911389,31.957222,5]%20AND%20BETWEEN[585,1985,1987]

I can see that 950273 represents the article in some way. I'm just not sure how to use that to direct me to the actual article in wikipedia.

I don't know what "items": [950273]" represents, or how to use it to get me to the wikipedia article and display the contents of that article in AngularJS.

Is there a way to do both a query by date of the historical event as well as by geolocation. Either by using mediawiki or wikidata or a combination of the two?

EDIT: This is the solution to my question above. It seems like a bit of a hack... but it works. Good enough for now. Here is my controller.

.controller('WikiQueryCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
            //these geo coordinates and the date ranges will eventually be dynamic.
            url: '[625,-25.911389,31.957222,5]%20AND%20BETWEEN[585,1985,1987]&callback=JSON_CALLBACK',
            method: 'jsonp'
        .success(function(response) {
            var items = response.items;
            $scope.jason = items;
            var wikiDataString = '' + items + '&props=sitelinks%7Csitelinks%2Furls&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
                    url: wikiDataString,
                    method: 'jsonp'
                .success(function(response2) {
                    $scope.jason2 = response2;
                    var url = response2.entities["Q" + items].sitelinks.enwiki.url;
                    var wikipediaTitle = url.substr(24, url.length);
                    var wikipediaURL = '|info&exintro&titles=' + wikipediaTitle + '&format=json&explaintext&redirects&inprop=url&indexpageids&format=json&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
                        url: wikipediaURL,
                        method: 'jsonp'

                    }).success(function(response4) {
                        var query = response4.query;
                        var pageID = response4.query.pageids;
                        var title = response4.query.pages[pageID].title;
                        var fullurl = response4.query.pages[pageID].fullurl;
                        var content = response4.query.pages[pageID].extract;
                        $scope.title = title;
                        $scope.content = content;
                        $scope.fullurl = fullurl;
                        $scope.jason = query;


950273 is the Wikidata entity ID. You find the entity itself at

By using that you can query Wikidata for the articles connected to it using the API and the action wbgetentities and ask for sitelinks and sitelinks/url like this:

Or try going to the language version of your choice directly using Special:GoToLinkedPage. Eg.

