Programmatically retrieve an OS X disk partition UUID

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-22 08:05:22


I have a path to a partition. How can I retrieve UUID of that partition programatically without using terminal commands? An example will be more helpful.


You can use the Disk Arbitration framework (Apple reference). There is also a good summary at this blog by Chris Suter.

You can get the UUID by using the kDADiskDescriptionMediaUUIDKey. Aaron Burghardt described it well in this mailing list thread. Here is a quote from that link:

Once you have the DADisk, use DADiskCopyDescription to get a dictionary of properties, in which you will find the UUID with the key kDADiskDescriptionMediaUUIDKey (see DADisk.h for other keys that may be of interest). Note, a DADisk is a wrapper around an IOMedia object and the description dictionary corresponds directly to the properties in the IOMedia object. Also, CFShow() is useful for printing the description dictionary to the console.


$ diskutil info / | grep UUID

Running this from C is left as an exercise for the reader.

If you want a partition other than the root, you can specify the mount point or device name (eg. disk0s2) in place of /.


I think the easiest is to use polkit

Download the DiskWatcher.h and .m from

Add it to your project (It has no ARC so add -fno-objc-arc flag if you use ARC)

Add DiskArbiratation framework You can use

+ (NSString*) diskIdentifierForPath:(NSString*)path;

NSString *UUID1 = [DiskWatcher diskIdentifierForPath:@"/Volumes/Backup900GB"];

