Regular Expression - Match all but first letter in each word in sentence

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-21 20:03:36


I've almost got the answer here, but I'm missing something and I hope someone here can help me out.

I need a regular expression that will match all but the first letter in each word in a sentence. Then I need to replace the matched letters with the correct number of asterisks. For example, if I have the following sentence:

There is an enormous apple tree in my backyard.

I need to get this result:

T**** i* a* e******* a**** t*** i* m* b*******.

I have managed to come up with an expression that almost does that:


Using the example sentence above, that expression gives me:

T* i* a* e* a* t* i* m* b*.

How do I get the right number of asterisks?

Thank you.


Try this:


\B is the opposite of \b - it matches where there is no word boundary - when we see a letter that is after another letter.

Your regex is replacing the whole tail of the word - [a-z]+, with a single asterisks. You should replace them one by one. If you want it to work, you should match a single letter, but check is has a word behind it (which is a little pointless, since you might as well check for a single letter (?<=[A-Za-z])[a-z]):


(note that the last regex has a variable length lookbehind, which isn't implemented in most regex flavors)


Try this possibly:



This is an old question. Adding an answer since the others don't seem to solve this problem completely or clearly. The simplest regular expression that handles this is /(\B[a-z])/g. This adds 'g' as a global flag, so the single character search will be repeated throughout the string.

string = "There is an enormous apple tree in my backyard."
answer = string.replace(/\B[a-z]/g, "*");

string = "There is an enormous apple tree in my backyard."

answer = string.replace(/\B[a-z]/g, "*");
<script src=""></script>
<div id="stringDiv"></div>
<div id="answerDiv"></div>

