
According to the union file system, does image actually container another image?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-19 23:42:09
问题 In Docker, an image is a stack of Read-only image layers. We also know that images share layers or other images. My question is about how this sharing mechanism work. Does an image have pointers to the Docker storage driver or do they actually contain other layers? If the first one is true, does that mean Dockerfile saves those layers into daemon and the image is the instruction of retrieving those layers orderly? 回答1: It depends on your storage driver: Docker uses storage drivers to manage

According to the union file system, does image actually container another image?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2021-02-19 23:41:59
问题 In Docker, an image is a stack of Read-only image layers. We also know that images share layers or other images. My question is about how this sharing mechanism work. Does an image have pointers to the Docker storage driver or do they actually contain other layers? If the first one is true, does that mean Dockerfile saves those layers into daemon and the image is the instruction of retrieving those layers orderly? 回答1: It depends on your storage driver: Docker uses storage drivers to manage

According to the union file system, does image actually container another image?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-19 23:41:46
问题 In Docker, an image is a stack of Read-only image layers. We also know that images share layers or other images. My question is about how this sharing mechanism work. Does an image have pointers to the Docker storage driver or do they actually contain other layers? If the first one is true, does that mean Dockerfile saves those layers into daemon and the image is the instruction of retrieving those layers orderly? 回答1: It depends on your storage driver: Docker uses storage drivers to manage


我们两清 提交于 2020-03-28 00:45:10
我们在协助某AI客户排查一个UFS文件存储的性能case时发现,其使用的Pytorch训练IO性能和硬件的IO能力有很大的差距(后面内容有具体性能对比数据)。 让我们感到困惑的是: UFS文件存储,我们使用fio自测可以达到单实例最低10Gbps带宽、IOPS也可达到2w以上。该AI客户在高IOPS要求的AI单机小模型训练场景下,或者之前使用MXNet、TensorFlow框架时,IO都能跑到UFS理论性能,甚至在大型分布式训练场景中,UFS也可以完全胜任。 于是我们开启了和客户的一次深度联合排查。 初步尝试优化 一、调整参数: 基于上述情况,首先考虑是不是使用Pytorch的姿势不对?参考网上提到经验,客户调整batch_size、Dataloader等参数。 Batch_size 默认batch_size为256,根据内存和显存配置尝试更改batch_size大小,让一次读取数据更多,发现实际对效率没有提升。通过分析是由于batch_size设置与数据读取逻辑没有直接关系,IO始终会保留单队列与后端交互,不会降低网络交互上的整体延时(因为用的是UFS文件存储,后面会讲到为什么用)。 Pytorch Dataloader Pytorch框架dataloader的worker负责数据的读取和加载、分配。通过batch_sampler将batch数据分配给对应的worker


≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-02-26 01:08:13
新冠肺炎疫情爆发后,不少地区都采用了无人机、智能机器人进行医疗协助和疫情防控,有效减少了人与人之间的接触,将疫情传播的可能性降到了最低。同时,在病情较为严重的地区,自动驾驶技术进行的无人配送成为了取代人力的好方式。在2019年进入寒冬的自动驾驶技术,随之又一次成为了人们关注的焦点。 随着在当今道路上开展的真实试验,自动驾驶汽车必须支持的功能在不断扩展,其复杂程度也在迅速增大。这些自动系统将对性能、功耗、安全性、安全保障和可靠性的要求不断提高,而这也需要更快、更可靠和性价比更高的存储芯片。 宏旺半导体之前有提到过,目前,全球主要的存储芯片主要分为三种,DRAM主要用来做PC机内存(如DDR)和手机内存(如LPDDR),两者各占三成。非易失性芯片(断电以后,存储器内的信息仍然存在)主要是闪存(Nand FLASH 和 NOR FLASH),NOR主要应用于代码存储介质中,而NAND则用于数据存储。 而UFS ,全称为Universal Flash Storage,是一种“通用闪存存储”。据宏旺半导体了解,UFS采用串行数据传输技术,只有两个数据通道但速率超越了eMMC。 目前,市面上较为热门的UFS 3.0,其带宽是UFS 2.1的两倍,功耗也更低。在单通道上,UFS 3.0可以达到11.2Gb/s,双通道可以达到23.2Gb/s。UFS 3.0还可以在更高的温度下工作