The procedure entry point _gxx_personality_v0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll Error

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-21 04:54:29


Yesterday I decided to download, install, and attempt to use Allegro 5. I also downloaded Code::Blocks 12.11 w/ the MinGW compiler. I set up everything and installed everything correctly (or so I thought) and tried to run a sample code to see if it would work:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){


   if(!al_init()) {
      fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize allegro!\n");
      return -1;

   display = al_create_display(640, 480);
   if(!display) {
      fprintf(stderr, "failed to create display!\n");
      return -1;





   return 0;

When I attempt to compile and run the program an error message box appears saying "The procedure entry point _gxx_personality_v0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll." I searched the web for about an hour trying to find a fix for this problem, like I do for most things, but I came up empty handed. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for any fixes to this problem, if so, let me know ASAP! Thanks in advance!


__gxx_personality_v0 is used in the exception handling of the C++ library. MinGW can support a couple different exception models on the x86: sjlj (setjmp/longjmp) or DWARF (DW2). As far as I know, which model will be used is compiled into the compiler - it's not something that can be selected with a command line option.

The sjlj exception model will link to __gxx_personality_sj0, the DW2 exception model links to __gxx_personality_v0. It seems like your compiler is building for the dw2 exception model, but at runtime it's finding a libstdc++-6.dll that was built with the sjlj model. See if you have multiple versions of libstdc++-6.dll on youR system, and see if copying another one to the same directory as your program fixes the problem.

You can use nm libstdc++-6.dll | grep personality to see which exception 'personality' the DLL is using.


I ran into this as well. Did some searching, someone mentioned paying attention to whether or not you were in Debug or Release Mode. This applies to Code::Blocks specifically. I found I was in Debug Mode. I changed that to Release Mode and my program compiled and ran.

I am troubled by this though... It seems to me it should work in both modes, so how do I fix it so that it will? I have no answer there. Maybe someone will comment with the solution. In the meantime, compile and run in Release Mode instead of Debug Mode.

I just did a little mad science, removed the libstdc++6.dll from MinGW/bin and put it in another folder. Then I copied over the same file from Gimp/bin. No more linker error, instead I get an error that says the application failed to start :( Still compiles and runs in Release Mode though.

