Pass referrer data through chrome intent to google play

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-20 09:49:48


So I have a mobile web that would try to open my android app, if it does not exist, it would fall back to google play.

for chrome, i use this intent:


and it works fine, now I want to send some referrer string to google play for the INSTALL_REFERRER in an app.

I tried the following link, it has no problem of sending data to google play, but it would not try to open the app


I wonder what is the correct way to open the app and fall back to google play with the referrer data being passed?


Looks like it can be done by passing S.market_referrer=referrer_string

For example


I have not tested this, but there are some check-ins in the chromium repo for this, don't know if it is available in the current version of chrome.


This is a known issue that I am working with the team to get fixed. Someone in the past suggested that you can use intent://some_data_sent_to_app#Intent;scheme=app_scheme;package=package_name&referrer=referrer_string;end however the logic of this has never worked specifically because the Chrome browser (and Android Browser) look for a package id that is direct copy of the string which is parsed as package_name&referrer=referrer_string.


With the new scheme, you can pass arguments as extras to the App, but you must encode the URI as follow:

<a href="intent://whatever/#Intent;scheme=myapp;package=com.what.ever.myapp;S.myextra=mystring;end">Do Whatever</a>


