Bad cursor in select/option, IE

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-20 01:55:13


I have a problem with bad cursor in options when the text is under that.

Normally, the option uses "default" cursor, but when eg. the paragraph is under option, in IE I see "text" cursor.


        <option value=a selected="selected">First
        <option value=b>Second
        <option value=c>Third
        <option value=c>Fourth    

It´s in IE11 and I think the older ones makes the same.

I tried to set position: relative and z-index to select, option and paragraph, set cursor with important to select, option, but no solution, situation is the same.

Any idea?


IE does not honour the z-index of the select object, and applies the cursor attribute of any underlying object.

I handle this by changing the cursor attribute of all underlying objects to pointer at the onfocus event for the select object, and restore them at onblur event for the select object.

It is disappointing that IE does not handle this correctly, as do most other browsers.

Example code (as requested by DavidG):

In the this example we apply a class of 'underselect' to all elements that will be covered by the select dropdown (n.b. the dropdown does not always expand downwards, it can expand upwards).

On page load the initial cursor property of each element with the class 'underselect' is saved in a attribute 'ic' of that element.

The focus event of the select element is bound to a function that sets the cursor of all elements with the class 'underselect' to pointer.

The blur event of the select element is bound to a function that sets the cursor of all elements with the class 'underselect' to the initial value that was stored on page load.

Using jquery

$(function ()
    .bind("focus", function(){ $(".underselect").each(function(){$(this).css("cursor", "pointer") });  })
    .bind("blur", function(){ $(".underselect").each(function (i){$(this).css("cursor", $(this).data("ic")); }) });

  $(".underselect").each(function () { $(this).data("ic", $(this).css("cursor")); });

Using javascript only we create the following functions:

function saveinitialcursor()
  gp = document.getElementsByClassName("underselect");
  for (var i = 0, l = gp.length; i < l; i++)
    style = getComputedStyle(gp[i]);
    cursor = style.getPropertyValue("cursor");
    gp[i].setAttribute("ic", cursor);

function selectfocus()
  gp = document.getElementsByClassName("underselect")
  for (var i = 0, l = gp.length; i < l; i++)
    gp[i].style.cursor = "pointer";

function selectblur()
  gp = document.getElementsByClassName("underselect")
  for (var i = 0, l = gp.length; i < l; i++)
    gp[i].style.cursor = gp[i].getAttribute("ic");

and bind them to the body and select opening tags:

<body onload="saveinitialcursor()" >

<select id="select" onblur="selectblur()" onfocus="selectfocus()" >


Although you've closed the select tag with </select>, you still need to close your options. At the moment the browser reads everything after: <option value=a selected="selected"> as a single option.

Wrap all of your options with </option> - it should look like this:

        <option value=a selected="selected">First</option>
        <option value=b>Second</option>
        <option value=c>Third</option>
        <option value=c>Fourth</option>

