Visual Studio ReSharper Keymap for IntelliJ IDEA

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-18 10:08:45


I primarily use Visual Studio and ReSharper (R#) for development and have excellent working knowledge of R#. I want to leverage that knowledge in IntelliJ IDEA (with my personal Java adventures) without having to learn the IDEA keymap scheme. IDEA has a Visual Studio keymap but that mainly updates such key bindings as Find (Ctrl + F) and Replace (Ctrl + H) etc. Because Visual Studio doesn't have built-in capabilities like "Inspect This..." etc. (the kinda stuff provided by R#), those IntelliJ keybinding in Visual Studio keymap are merely a dump of IDEA's.

In VS.NET, ReSharper comes with two keymaps, IDEA and Visual Studio. I've been using the Visual Studio keymap since R# 5 and really would like to have a keymap in IntelliJ idea that actually is a combination of the Visual Studio IDEA keymap and R# Visual Studio keymap. This combinational keymap is what I am calling Visual Studio ReSharper (R#) keymap for IntelliJ IDEA.

I'd appreciate if someone can share thier keymap if they have created one that's close to the stated description. If JetBrains is hearing, how about bundling an additional keymap scheme with IntelliJ that's essentially a combination of Visual Studio scheme (in IntelliJ IDEA) and ReSharper Visual Studio scheme (in VS.NET)?


Yes, JetBrains is hearing. ) I'll pass your suggestion over to the IntelliJ team. Not sure how it goes from there but it's worth a try.


As a summary from the comments:

  • Download the jar-file that contains the appropriate keymap and UI-settings
  • Follow these instructions: File > Import Settings... > Select downloaded jar file.

Also works in Android Studio, as it is IntelliJ-based.


This was completed a while ago!

IntelliJ 15.0.6 now has built in support for Visual Studio key bindings, see:

The keyboard bindings are not 100% complete, I tend to add remaining keyboard bindings manually as I discover differences.

