
Can't type certain square brackets in Visual Studio 2010 + Resharper

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-18 20:40:22
问题 In certain cases typing an opening square bracket results in nothing at all. In particular when I want to type them on a variable in the right side of assignment expression: arr[i] = arr So I cant type, for example: arr[i] = arr[9] It has something to do with Resharper. However, turning of autocomplete and stuff doesn't seem to solve it. Anyone familiar with this problem? 回答1: I had the same issue the first time I insalled Resharper. Look under Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard to what

【转载】Visual Studio(VS) F12 查看DLL源代码

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-13 17:21:02 esharper官网: 1、安装好 Visual Studio ,和 Resharper (默认会勾选安装 Dot peek ) 2、打开VS,在菜单栏 选择 Resharper – Options ,打开Options窗口 3、在左侧列表中,选择 External Sources ,勾选 Navigation to Sources – Decompile methods ,点击 Save 4、在第一次按下F12时,会弹出用户使用协议,选择接受就可。 附 如果这个dll在本地不存在,第一次按F12时,会联网从远程下载。 每当你按下F12时,就可以跳到dll中查看具体的代码实现啦。在每个类的头部,可以发现这么一段注释: // Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: TableML.TableFile // Assembly: TableML, Version=0.7.6285.31046, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: E539F3DE-C53C-4567-99E9-7697E4765856 //

Customize JetBrains Rider to open a link when you click on class/function name in a file

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-11 12:14:41
问题 I am not sure if this can be done but what I am trying to achieve here is that when I click on a method name in JetBrains Rider, I want it to open a browser, append the namespace, class name and method name to a URL like for me. So if I click on method z (on line #n ) in class y on namepsace abc.lmn.x , then I want it to open Why? When I want to point another developer to a piece of code, the way I do it right now is to open the internal tool

Import with 'require' cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 6 or higher

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-08 08:52:06
问题 In VS2019 16.2.1, I created a new project using the Basic Azure Node.js Express 4 Application with TypeScript Template. I can build and run the application. However, in app.ts, if I hover over the line import debug = require('debug'); I see a tooltip Import with 'require' cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 6 or higher Here is tsconfig.json "compilerOptions": { "module": "commonjs", "target": "es6", "lib": ["es6"], "sourceMap": true }, "exclude": [ "node_modules" ] } Why do I see this

Java学习-1 Myeclipse与Idea

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-08 03:30:58
半年没写了,天天加班,没时间和精力再自我充电,最近还是要下定决心,多学习下其它语言(Java、Oracle、Angular等),扩展视野,拥抱市场,不能困死在.net一棵树上。 工欲善其事,必先利其器,每学一门语言,IDE是要先摸熟的,之前弄VSCode、WebStorm也是折腾了好久。 和VS相比,整体上MyEclipse和Intellij Idea风格还是比较像的,可能一开始默认设置不大一样,但调整完各种设置,基本能恢复到VS + Resharper的90%使用习惯 MyEclipse是装的2014版,不是最新的,可能最新的也有所改进 Idea装的是最新的2018.1.5版本 1、一上来肯定是先调配色、字体,两个IDE都有主题包可以下载,且均可以下载到VS201X Dark的风格,各种颜色看着非常顺眼和熟悉了,比如类是绿色,字符串是橙色等,和VS一样。 MyEclipse有个坑,格式化代码后会自动换行,而且换得非常难看,这要设置一下每行的最大宽度就可以 界面整体风格我都调得和VS一样了,左边是项目树,下方是一些常用的输出,其余各种标签、图标、状态栏均关闭或隐藏,以实现代码区域的最大化 2、快捷键:均可自定义快捷键,但MyEclipse有些快捷键定义不了,比如想定义 Alt + `来展示项目,定义Ctrl + Q来关闭所有文件,但不行,要定义两次才行,比如Alt + `, Alt

Convert all *.cs files to unicode in VisualStudio

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-07 20:59:22
问题 My team does not pay attention to file encoding (and that is correct, because humans should not be bothered by file encodings). However some files are saved in utf8, and some in regional encoding (cp1250). I need a tool that can do two things: 1. Force utf8 on all files that will be created in future 2. Convert all existing files with given extension (or at least *.cs) to utf-8 How can I achieve these goals using Visual-Studio or Resharper plugins, and or external tools? I tried to do #2 with

Stop Visual Studio from putting using directives outside namespace

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-06 14:51:06
问题 Is there a setting in Visual Studio (or Resharper) that allows you to specify what namespaces should be default and which scope they are put in? The default for an MVC project for example is using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace Namespace { public class Class1 { } } but Resharper and Stylecop complain: All using directives must be placed inside of the namespace. [StyleCop Rule: SA1200] Using directive is not required by the code and can

Why does ReSharper not suggest using null propagation for both of these blocks?

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-04 18:08:14
问题 ReSharper suggests using null propagation for the "damageable" if block, but for the "forceVelocityCalculator" one there is no suggestion. void Damage(Collider hitCollider) { var damageable = hitCollider.GetComponent<IDamageable>(); if (damageable != null) { damageable.TakeDamage(_damage); } } void Push(Collider hitCollider) { var forceVelocityCalculator = hitCollider.GetComponent<ForceVelocityCalculator>(); if (forceVelocityCalculator != null) { forceVelocityCalculator.Push(_pushForce,

Why does ReSharper not suggest using null propagation for both of these blocks?

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-04 18:07:40
问题 ReSharper suggests using null propagation for the "damageable" if block, but for the "forceVelocityCalculator" one there is no suggestion. void Damage(Collider hitCollider) { var damageable = hitCollider.GetComponent<IDamageable>(); if (damageable != null) { damageable.TakeDamage(_damage); } } void Push(Collider hitCollider) { var forceVelocityCalculator = hitCollider.GetComponent<ForceVelocityCalculator>(); if (forceVelocityCalculator != null) { forceVelocityCalculator.Push(_pushForce,

Why does ReSharper not suggest using null propagation for both of these blocks?

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-04 18:05:43
问题 ReSharper suggests using null propagation for the "damageable" if block, but for the "forceVelocityCalculator" one there is no suggestion. void Damage(Collider hitCollider) { var damageable = hitCollider.GetComponent<IDamageable>(); if (damageable != null) { damageable.TakeDamage(_damage); } } void Push(Collider hitCollider) { var forceVelocityCalculator = hitCollider.GetComponent<ForceVelocityCalculator>(); if (forceVelocityCalculator != null) { forceVelocityCalculator.Push(_pushForce,